
Google Music is free to listen to your own music. It's $10/month to have access to their entire catalog of music to stream whenever you want, pretty similar to the way Spotify works.

Here's one more app for me to not download. The convenience of facebook was that everything was all in one place. I used facebook messages because it was convenient since I was already using facebook. I now no longer use facebook messages ever. For now, this doesn't effect me, but if they eventually remove groups from

You definitely have some valid points in there. Hangouts could use some improvements, and hopefully it will be better once they overhaul it with material design. However, I would have rather seen them put that time into creating a better Hangouts app, instead of creating another seperate app.

I don't quite understand the point of this. I thought Hangouts was the nicely Google-updated version of the default SMS app. And if they would just make it the default on new devices and remove the crappy old messaging app, more people would use it, and we could all get the benefits of Hangouts with all our Android

I completely agree. Every motorola smartphone is top notch right now. Want a budget phone? Moto G. Want a big phone? Nexus 6. Want a "normal" size and price smartphone? Moto X. 100% of my recommendations to friends and family at the moment are Motorola.

Well here we're talking about a scenario in which the question is directly given to you. In the case of being an organ doner, you are directly asked when getting your driver's license "Do you want to be an organ doner?" or "Do you want to opt-out of being an organ doner?" Either way, it's a yes or no question being

This bias actually is one of the biggest factors that effects how many people are organ doners. Places where it's "check this box to be an organ doner" have far less doners than places where it's "check this box to not be an organ doner"

I was unaware Starbucks had a QR code system (I'm not really a coffee drinker). There's an ice cream place I go to occasionally that uses QR codes in their mobile app for their rewards program (buy 10 get 1 free) and it's horrible. It always takes the cashier way too long to get the thing to scan.

The context in which they're being used doesn't change the fact that most of the time when trying to scan them it takes multiple tries to get it to read correctly. Perhaps if they have really high end hardware for scanning the QR code it may work better, which may be the case in manufacturing, but healthcare isn't

Yeah that is really convenient... when it works. The last time I was at a convention that used those, they tried a few times to scan my QR code and couldn't get it to work, and then gave up and did it manually.

All the other complications aside, CurrentC will never succeed for one very simple reason: QR codes are awful. Honestly, I don't understand why they even still exist, since most people seem to agree on how awful they are.

That was my thought exactly. This is not "expensive" compared to square stand, it's cheap. $300 is less than the cost of an iPad alone, let alone the extra $100 for the square stand.

I've been using my old smartphone as a smartclock for a while now, and it's great. Depending on what you have for an old phone, voice commands may or may not work well, but you'll get a full touch screen and all sorts of apps and stuff to give it a ton of features. Buying a smartphone for use as a clock would probably

That's somewhat true, but there's a lack of proper competition in those fees because it's illegal for merchants to pass the fees on to the customers. So as a result, we're paying more than the fair market value for those protections.

That's partially true. But the current system isn't exactly fair. Since it's illegal for merchants to charge that extra fee to customers with credit cards, there isn't proper competition because many people don't even realize that a portion of that money is actually going to the credit card company. Why should a

I am all for a new system that avoids the credit card fees. It's ridiculous that on every transaction, a piece of it goes to some random third party. And with Apple Pay, a piece of that goes to Apple as well (I don't think this is the case for most other NFC payments options, but I could be wrong).

I completely agree with pretty much everything you've said here.

I already requested and invite, and posted on Facebook asking if any of my friends have any invites to give away. I think 99% of my friends have no idea what I'm even talking about though.

They already did a few years ago, it was called Google Wave. and it was awesome. pretty much 100% of people who gave it a chance, agreed that it was awesome. But it died because you could only communicate with other people that used Wave. There weren't many people using it, so people didn't bother trying it, and it

I don't understand why this needs both bluetooth AND wifi? If it only works when on the same wifi network, that would imply that it's sending the information over wifi, so why do you need bluetooth turned on?