
That's a good point. I haven't done it in as much detail as you but it's something I thought about when I graduated college and was on my own. The biggest change for a emergency budget for me could be rent. If my emergency was "job loss" then I could just move back in with my parents, nearly rent free, until I had a

I'm with you man, I'd much rather play with a controller than a mouse and keyboard. The only exception are a few specific kind of games, like RTS, that just don't work without a mouse.

thus, if thrown correctly and wind or the like doesn't interfere too much, the boomerang will come right back to you. For those inexperienced with catching the boomerangs and who start out throwing a relatively heavy one, this is not always a good thing.

I can see why people are frustrated by this, but this is just normal business. I don't know all the details of the disagreement between Amazon and Hatchette, but we can't necessarily dump all the blame on Amazon. Both groups aren't agreeing to what the other one wants, and without more information we can't really say

I'm glad Netflix isn't afraid to do things like this. This is the sort of thing that can really get the masses to care about things like Net Neutrality. I don't even use Netflix very often lately, but I haven't bothered cancel my subscription because I just like them as a company. Even if I only watch one thing in a

Oh wow! Technology just keeps impressing me :)

Now they just need to invent a powerful graphics card that doesn't need cooling! I'm sure that'll happen very soon! </sarcasm>

It's also the type of guy you don't want to be with anyways, so I don't feel bad for him.

My prediction: Next year they'll announce OS X Something, and iOS 9, which work together even better, practically becoming the same. The year after that, they'll announce iOS X. Same OS for iPhone and Mac, syncs everything perfectly. And it would just be the perfect way to combine them, namewise.

Wait, are the Widgets only within notification center, not actually on the homescreen?

This is pretty cool! As a long time Android fan, even I can't deny that Apple has been mostly winning in this department, first with iMessages and now with all of this. I hope Google will soon fully combine Voice into Hangouts, and sync SMS messages with your Google account so us Android users can similarly do SMS

It's nice to see that they're making this one cross platform! If they don't start doing that more often, it's going to really hinder their ability to grow their market.

Some cool new features. Handoff sounds great in theory, but I'm not sure how useful it will be in practice. So many things are already synced to the cloud and accessible anywhere, not just your Mac, so I'm not sure how useful something that just syncs with your own computer will be. Like with your email example, if I

Oh, cool!

Oh! Cool!

Yeah, lots of updates that are useless if your computer is Windows (or Linux). And lots of them are things that Android already has. I'm not very impressed so far.

Why don't they just allow third-party keyboards? I'm pretty sure they make zero money off of people using the stock keyboard, so they wouldn't lose anything... in fact Apple would benefit because they'd get their cut of the sales in the App store, and they could stop spending development resources on improving the

I have a friend who uses Sprint, and has a VERY low end phone at the moment. Sometimes her phone will have "no signal" even when in an area that she knows has reception, and she's found that resetting the phone will usually make it reconnect. I bet Airplane mode will fix her issue too, I'll suggest it to her the next

This is one of the things I've always disliked about iOS. Android has the app drawer, windows has it's programs menu, OSX has the applications folder, I assume windows phone has a similar thing, and iOS has it's homescreen, which is comparable to all of those. But then Windows and OS X have the desktop, Android has

As I read this, I couldn't help but notice that my Android phone already has almost all of these features...