
Ah, yes you're probably right.

I get SOOOOOO much more than $8 worth of value (or utils, if your an economist) from Netflix. It's still an amazing deal at $9/month, two years from now when the price goes up for me I will not complain.

Before this change, streaming was $7.99, and DVDs were $7.99, so both together cost $15.98. I'm not sure what you were paying $14.99 for, I know there were some upgraded plans that allowed streaming on more screens at once, or multiple DVDs at a time, so maybe you had one of those?

Haha that's exactly what I was gonna say! He called me a troll too.

A company that sells medium quality products at outrageous prices is now buying a company that sells low quality products at outrageous prices. I think the only thing we can safely say about this is that their products will continue to be overpriced.

They did? I can't find it on the Google Play Store (I have Android), is it iOS only or something?

Okay, but the fact that the console was out for months before they could even tell us what it was for, just proves that there are cases where it doesn't need to be on. That explains why it exist, but it still doesn't justify requiring it to always be on.

Now they just need to hurry up and make a pokedex app. Or if they won't, then they need to allow other people too. There used to be a pretty good one back during Gen V, but Nintendo had it pulled from the store, which I would be okay with if they would make their own. (note: it was free with no ads, so the guy was

Correct! Somehow last night I missesd that this was being shot from something orbiting around the moon, not something on the moon's surface.

I would join you, but I have no right to point out someone's incorrect grammar after not being able to understand the word "orbiter".

Haha aparently my brain had stopped working last night, my bad

Yeah, something about the way the gravity of the Earth and oceans and everything are pulling on it caused it to settle into an orbit such that the same side is always facing us. Technically our days are getting longer (by like, micro seconds each year, not anything noticable) so I wonder if the Earth will similarly

Haha oh wow, now I feel like an idiot. Of course the "orbiter" is in orbit, and not stationary on the surface. My bad lol, thanks!

I'm confused, I remember learning that the same side of the moon is always facing the Earth, which would mean there would never be an "earthrise" on the moon. Am I missing something here?

I'm not talking about in busy cities, and you clearly have only ridden a bike on awful sidewalks, I've done it plenty of times and it was just as smooth as riding on the road.

I do in fact live in the suburbs. As many other people have pointed out, there are a lot of reasons that on a busy city street, the sidewalk could be an awful place for bikes. But on more rural roads, especially if there isn't much shoulder space for bikes, the sidewalk just seems like a good idea.

It really bothers me that bikes are supposed to be on the road and not the sidewalk. Maybe if it's a busy city street, with tons of pedestrians, that makes sense. But if there's a completely empty sidewalk, it's much safer for everyone if they get up on the sidewalk. I know as a driver, that if it's a road without

Opportunity cost is a very basic economic concept, that's good for everyone to know. Yet another reason why I think a basic economics course or two should be required in high school and/or college.

Now they just need to get current shows from CBS. The player on CBS's website is AWFUL, and has 10 times as many ads. Plus it would just be more convenient if they were in my Hulu queue with the other shows that I watch. But I'm guessing CBS isn't going to agree to that anytime soon.

I do really like some of these. I think my favorite at first glance is number 7. However, I think part of why Google isn't as nice as some of these, is because of the importance of staying the same. Yes, probably 99% of Gizmodo readers would prefer a lot of these improvements, but a lot of less tech savvy people would