
Yeah one thing I learned in statistics classes is that you have to be really careful because they can so easily be manipulated. Technically their claim that 50% of the respondents were favorable is true, but once you give the real numbers there it doesn't take any knowledge of statistics to know how meaningless that

A friend shared Spritz on Facebook the other day and I read through the demo on their site. It's astounding how easily it works, I was able to read at 600wpm after only being there for like 5 minutes. However, throw in some acronyms or unfamiliar words and reading that way falls apart. When I got tripped up on one

It says that "for stats nerds" the r-sqaured is 0.2, and they use this as evidence that it's a strong correlation. However, an r-sqaured of 0.2 is actually very low, so low in fact that I would say this study is pretty useless. There may be a correlation between work hours and premature death, I would bet there is,

Agreed, that's likely what it's about. I love technology and like trying out cool new hardware. I would enjoy trying Windows phone. But I love my Android phone, and with the currently much more limited availability of apps on Windows, as well as not knowing how much I'll end up liking using a Windows phone, that's

I've been using an "Archive" quick step for a while now, just like the one in the screenshot. Gmail got me on the habit of just archiving things and then using search, instead of keeping everything going organized in folders, though Outlooks search doesn't always work super well.

For the Android battery issue, you guys mentioned a Tasker plug-in to do it just based on location, but there's actually something that he could do with just Tasker itself. Tasker has a variable for cell signal strength, utilizing that he could make his phone turn on airplane mode whenever the signal got weak, and

I actually have sort of the opposite issue. My internet is utterly horrible (labeled as 3mb/s, but I often get less than 1mb/s), and the ads often take longer to load than whatever I'm actually trying to watch because some services don't seem to let you adjust the video quality on the ads, so it loads in HD even

One of the main benefits of streaming is that you can watch stuff on your own schedule, instead of theirs. When people do that, everything is fine. It's only when the occasional insanely popular thing goes up and everyone actually scrambles to watch it immediately that there's a problem. (I think I remember Netflix

Oops, I spent money again...

Oh nice! Yeah he mentions in the article that you could do this yourself with your own labels, but the QR codes instead of normal labels would let it take you right to correct picture, just like this app does. And it would work cross-platform, without needing to install anything.

I agree, that would be better. I love NFC, I hope that soon it's possible to pay with NFC everywhere, to the point where I don't even have to carry around a credit card anymore. I would love to be able to carry just my phone, and not have to bother with a wallet at all.

I've seen a few people in the comments bringing up the age old argument against Hulu Plus, "I have to pay for it AND there are still ads?"

Things like this are why I think it's important that everyone take at least one basic economics class at some point. I took a couple, and actually ended up adding economics as a second major in college. There's so much valuable information there that, unlike a lot of other courses, is quite applicable to almost

Oh is that how it works? I honestly didn't know that, okay that does actually sound like it would be much more forward compatible then and maybe not so horrible. However, doesn't AirPlay only work with Apple devices? And I assume CarPlay will also only work with Apple devices. This alienates everyone who uses Android

This might actually be another reason why I like having just the basic bluetooth stuff in my car, there is no touchscreen at all, it's just a car radio with dials and buttons, and it works quite well. All the fancy touchscreen interfaces I've seen in cars are horrible, just like you said.

The issue here is technology and phones update rapidly, people generally update phones at least every two years, and by then your old phone feels horribly outdated. Cars on the other hand, many people keep for 5-10 years, maybe longer. So even if the integration is awesome now, you buy a shiny new car and a shiny new

Although that quote at the end about competition is correct, the barrier to entry is so high in this market that it's unlikely to happen, at least anytime soon. If we had good competition, we would get net neutrality for free, and the speeds would go up and prices would go down. The issue is, it's not feasible for a

If you have ASMR, then watching some ASMR videos on YouTube can be insanely helpful in relaxing and falling asleep. I throw on a video on my tablet and listen to it as I drift off all the time, it does wonders when I'm stressed.