It was an exaggeration. I'm sure there are some people out there who love it. But I'd wager they're in the minority, with a hell of a lot more people falling into the "don't care" camp, the "hate it" camp, and all the camps in between.
It was an exaggeration. I'm sure there are some people out there who love it. But I'd wager they're in the minority, with a hell of a lot more people falling into the "don't care" camp, the "hate it" camp, and all the camps in between.
Oh dear. That'll teach me to have faith in the dregs of the Internet to not automatically use the anonymity of a username to act like a jockstrap. As you were.
I'm not sure if that's a cunning attempt at irony or one of the silliest posts I've ever seen on here. I'm a glass half-full person, so I'll say "Oh you!"
They're offering a games console which is basically the same as the PS4. If they can get the price down to the same as the PS4 then they can attract casuals that might be balking at the thing at the minute.
He's right you know. Nobody sees the value in Kinect. It still doesn't work as promised all those years ago. And price is always an important factor. I'd bet my shoes on Microsoft selling the Xbox One without Kinect within the next two years.
I thought it was completely superfluous, and actually tarnished Bioshock Infinite for me a little bit. The game was better without the DLC.
Well, I might as well buy it a third time, I suppose.
While it's bananas that they didn't already know this, if this means we'll get a more traditional Final Fantasy XVI then I'll let them off.
All these people moaning should wind their necks in. Oculus have done nothing wrong, whether you like Facebook or not.
Like he said...
I watched it in Japanese and it was pretty good. I'll probably carry on watching it in Japanese since I've grown accustomed to their voices now.
Okaaaaaay. I don't know what any of the first stuff meant but my ears pricked up when you mentioned YouTube, which I'm familiar with.
I've only ever shared like three things (all ridiculous things that happened on FIFA) and I've only ever shared to Facebook. So I have no idea what these hurdles and walled gardens you speak of are.
Auction house sounds like a cool idea. Why did everyone hate it?
I finished Peace Walker and thought it was the worst MGS game I'd played. I didn't like the mission based structure, and the story was weak. I might give it another go one day to see if I warm up to it.
Still not interested. And the gushing review actually makes me less interested. I'm glad people are having fun with it though.
Quite a few reviews have mentioned the matchmaking and lack of ability to play with friends only. Not sure why Kotaku didn't. Maybe they didn't think it was a bad thing. Or whatever.
Well, I for one am pleased about this if it means we get information on deals, PS Plus news, etc. relevant to our neck of the woods.
Taking petty shots without reason or justification is something I can't abide. But if a company has a shitty policy in place and another company calls them out on it? Fair game I say.
I've had mixed feelings about Sony taking shots at Microsoft recently. At E3 I was totally behind it, because Microsoft needed telling. And it was smart and justified move and it ultimately worked out in the end. The one about "while others have changed their story" and all that seemed really petty and I didn't like…