
I'm really looking forward to inFamous since I liked the others, but I wish they'd fix, or just drop the karma system. It's always like, "Hey, do you wanna help this old woman across the road, or would you rather push her in front of a bus?" There's no dilemma. It might as well just come up and say "Would you like to

One easy tip for playing Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII.

Straight from the horses mouth; it doesn't matter if the game is nigh unplayable for a lot of people, because it made us loads of money.

Good. I'm sick of DLC which is created just to make a quick buck.

I kind of really liked Virtue's Last Reward. I got it free with PS Plus on the Vita, and I played it to death (100%'d it, which is rare for me) because I really wanted to know all the secrets. But man, what a chore it was at times.

You know what, I effin' hated Descent.

I didn't think Lightning was particularly bad as a character, although, there were no good characters in Final Fantasy XIII so I wouldn't have noticed anyway. It was a shambles of a game with a thoroughly unlikeable cast, a laughable button mashing battle system, and a story that would have been better if it wasn't

I hated the ending and I think it's funny too. It's nice that the image is bringing us all closer together.

I always save Kaiden. Ashley is a bitch.

I didn't even know the game was buggy. I played it and it was fine. Not that this helps anyone at all. It's more of a sorry-this-happened-to-you-guys-but-I'm-alright kinda comment.

I played Heavenly Sword when I first got my PS3. I don't remember much about it other than the combat being really boring, and Andy Serkis being awesome.


I hate free to play gaming like this, but I just don't play them and so I don't get annoyed. Pretty easy.

So he used a few pipes? So what? If I knew how to make iPhone games I'd rip anything off it was going to earn me $50,000 a day.

I thought it was very clever, and made the best use of the Vita's hardware features seen in a video game. Interacting with the environment using the back and front touchpads was done about as well as in anything I've played. It used the unique hardware to make a truly great game, rather than, as is more common, making

Yeah, and I think they did a great job. I really do. The game was awesome.

I haven't. I just remembered it was utterly irrelevant.

While I enjoyed The Last Of Us, I'm not sure how they got some of the awards. Namely, the innovation one. That clearly should have been Tearaway, which actually was innovative.

I'd be totally up for loads of these deals if they bothered to offer them in countries other than America.