
I thought it rocked. Enjoying it way more than The Walking Dead (which I also loved). Where The Walking Dead is relentlessly bleak (which works for the subject matter) I prefer the Fables world. I love the mythology and I'm a big fan of noir, synths and neon pink. This stuff just suits me down to the ground.

Hang on. Is this article just about an argument on the Internet? You don't even need to leave Kotaku for that, guys. The comments section is a gold mine.

I've never been one for replaying over and over for high scores. In fact, in most games I actually drop the difficulty level on my second go so I can just enjoy the story (currently on another run through the Mass Effect trilogy, casual style). So if all the value in this game is the dubious thrill of beating my

I don't get why people are having hissy fits. He's playing by the rules, and he's doing it well. There's a lot more thought gone in to his strategy than most.

This .gif rocks.

I got this just for Civilization V and the DLC. Sweet deal.

I wonder if that two hours includes cutscenes. If it's gameplay only it isn't that bad. If it includes cutscenes then that means there's probably about eight minutes of gameplay.

I picked up Puppeteer over Christmas using some vouchers I got from work, and I've played it for a couple of hours but then never gone back to it. That's not a critique on the game, I thought it was wonderful, but I picked up a few games with those vouchers and I'm working my way through all of them.

Well, if it works as well as Kinect for Xbox One, this is very good news for North Koreans hoping to escape the country.

So excited about more Jack Bauer.

Shia LaBeouf wasn't in the trailer so it already looks inherently better than the previous three movies.

I was hoping this article would be a little more Wells and a little less Ellison if I'm honest. Disappointing.

They're not genetically identical. Only Solidus was genetically identical to Big Boss.

Yeah. That's a spoiler. You're not supposed to know she's a girl until you find out she's a girl. They imply that she's a man by all the other characters assuming she's a man because of the way she acts and dresses. Her storyline is about her gender issues.

One of the only things I dislike about Persona 4 is how the relationships are handled. You find out you're totally in love with some chick and then that's kind of it. You see them at Christmas. Fin. It would be nice if there was some kind of impact to having a relationship, or if you're a cheating bastard,

Oh that's a shame. I bet a lot of people were hoping to...

You love grilling chicken, don't you?

But neither of those look like bacon to me either?!

Honestly, I'm not even sure which bit the chicken is. I assume bottom? What's on the top?