This is a much better advert for tablets than it is for Xbox One.
This is a much better advert for tablets than it is for Xbox One.
No I'm not. Fez is the only game I have not bought because of how appalling I found the creator to be. Plenty of people are grating or annoying, in varying degrees, but Phil Fish takes douchebaggery to an Olympic gold medal standard.
I do wish studios would delay games instead of ruining them by trying to meet unrealistic deadlines. Even if they fix Battlefield 4 now I'm not going to care. The ship has sailed for me.
In fairness, Phil Fish deserved a lot of the shit that he got. Never have I not bought a game because the creator was so detestable that I didn't want him to get a red cent from my purchase before until I came across Phil Fish.
I hate on video games and I'm sick of video game developers chimin' in and trying to ruin my fun. Won't someone think of the haters?
The only way Ryse should ever make this list is if there were only six games available on the system.
I'd be all over some of these if they were in the UK. Hopefully we get deals like this too.
No it wasn't. The last Muppets film was geared towards both kids and adults. There were plenty of obvious moments for kids, but there were many more subtle ones that adults would get, and most of the movie was built around creating sympathy for the Muppets based on nostalgia - i.e. you watched them as a kid, and now…
I never said the material was the same. I said the style was the same. As in they haven't changed up their routine too much. It's still the same style of comedy it was before, and it'll likely still be the same in a few years.
I didn't say he wasn't hard working. I said he's been doing the same routine, the same schtick. The original comment was deriding Ricky Gervais for doing the same style of stuff for years. I was just pointing out that all those comedians have done that too.
All of whom have been doing the same routine for a decade too (or more, in some cases).
From last to first:
One of the saddest things about The Simpsons is when you realise that old episodes of the show are rubbish too now. It's been rubbish longer than it was good. It's really old episodes that are gold. Everything past about series eight has been varying degrees of car crash. Basically the moment that Homer went from…
Where's the couch?
Woah nelly.
There's been a few of these articles floating around. Some of the pictures are pretty funny.
Kotaku needs to introduce options to ignore specific writers and not see their articles.
If this works as well as they say it could be incredible. It sounds like a Netflix for video games and that is something I would happily pay for.