"Now, hold it a second. This guy is the president of Sony Computer Entertainment America. If he's not well compensated enough in that job to preorder one as a civilian, or buy it on the gray market,"
"Now, hold it a second. This guy is the president of Sony Computer Entertainment America. If he's not well compensated enough in that job to preorder one as a civilian, or buy it on the gray market,"
As technology grows and culture expands, there'll always be new jobs popping up that people won't understand. People who don't think that these jobs are "real jobs" are stuck in a time warp. If you go back far enough there's a farmer somewhere, ploughing his field, tutting in disgust at the bard walking past his farm,…
Ni No Kuni was a treat. I hope they make a new one for the PS4.
I love how bias how now become synonymous with pointing out flaws.
I don't think we moved too soon, but that's not to say we need to take a sledgehammer to our old consoles just yet. It's been a long generation, and some new consoles coming along to shake things up with prettier graphics and (at least in the case of the PS4) much better operating systems is welcome. It's good having…
Smoke weed every day!
Hey, nobody is buying the thing, but it's an ace console.
I can't even see the back of my head.
I can't work out why this is happening.
The number of Vita owners just doubled.
This'll be one to buy on PS4 then.
Pointless douchebaggery.
That'd look nice on a shirt.
I'm the same. Just looks like another big bad shooter to me.
I liked Final Fantasy X-2 but I'm really struggling to get excited about Lightning Returns. I really wish they'd just sack off this boring XIII series and come up with something new. The characters are unlikeable cardboard cut-outs, the story is nonsensical, and the battle systems are button mashing blurs.
Everyone is buzzin' about the new PS4 controller, but honestly, I don't think it's very different. I liked the DS3, so that's fine, but I have to admit to being slightly disappointed when I got one in my hands and didn't feel a tremendous difference. The only thing that I can honestly say is much better is that…
Just to clarify, that $235 wasn't added on because he didn't pre-order. That's basically the retail price of the console in the UK. He paid £450 which is only £20 over the retail price. The big difference between £ and $ is just because we pay more than America does as standard.
I got a copy of Battlefield with my PS4 and I haven't even opened it yet. I'm thinking about just trying to get rid of it for something else to be honest, given all the problems. I'd rather have something that works.
The best thing Nintendo have going for them is games, and that's what they should be highlighting in their ads. The off-TV play is kinda neat, but only for select people. I would get no use out of it. Most people I know would have no use for it either. And that's made worse because not all games even allow the feature.
I tried it. It worked. I got bored of it and I'm just using the controller again.