
Honestly, I tried to like Flower, but I just really didn't get it. I was so bored. That was a shame for me as I'd heard a lot of good things. I don't know whether I expected too much after playing Journey or what, but I just couldn't get away with it.

Every time I see a "No" on here I raise my eyebrows. They're pretty rare.

Woah. A lot quicker than I was expecting. All this installing might not be such a chore.

I'm from England. We're just not bred that way. Somebody says 500ft burger, our minds instinctively say, "But the sheer logistics of it..." while yours says, "500ft burger!". We really need more practice at ridiculous fast food. I wish I could just throw myself at things like this with reckless abandon but it's just

Mac and cheese pizza? When did that happen?

Surely it would just be more difficult to eat?

I "fixed" all of my yellow lights with a hair-dryer. Got them back up and running so I could get my important stuff saved onto a USB and then called Sony for my replacement.

Honestly, I know they're stupid, they're ridiculous, they're quite often embarrassing, but you guys, I love the console wars. I really do. Every day there's a new to or fro. Every day a little bit more drama. All these things that I don't give a shit about (I had to Google what 1080p even means last week) are used as

I dunno, the area is pretty clean. Nothing down there.

Clearly downloading this right now. As long as the free to play stuff isn't obnoxious (which I gather from this article it isn't) I'll be happy with this.

I only ever played the first one and I was so incredibly bored by the end of the game that I had to change the settings to easy so I could just plough through the last few sections to see what happened in the story. It wasn't worth it even on Easy.

I doubt it. The first time Sony fixed mine it was out of warranty (two years old) and I had to pay for that. But then the refurb they sent me died like four months later. They only give you one month warranty on a refurb, but they still fixed it for a free as a good will thing. This happened a couple more times. I

My PS3 is in tonnes of space. Sony asked that too. They were always surprised by this, but I always just assumed the bad run with them was because they were sending me refurbed consoles and they hadn't done a very good job. Or whatever.

My Blu-Ray drive died on my first PS3. It died about forty minutes after finishing Metal Gear Solid 4. Close call.

Why? I didn't even pay for most of the refurbs. I only had to pay twice, and one of those was my decision to pay (I wanted to get it exchanged on the day since I knew I'd be moving around and wouldn't be able to pin down my location for a few weeks). I wasn't going to just stop console gaming because I was having a

Yeah, I really don't care if you don't believe me. It's of zero consequence to me. I'm simply replying to the article with my experiences. I don't know how you could possibly think that somebody would make this sort of thing up to "take part in the discussion and impress with your in time not knowledge of it". In

I had nine PS3s. Yes, nine. I think, if I remember right, about five went down to the yellow light. Other mishaps included Blu-Ray drive failure, and the hard drive dying. Given my track record with the PS3, if I'd bought a 360 instead, my calculations show I'd probably have gone through about 480 consoles.

In fairness, mine didn't get enough use to overheat.

I played it at a demo, and it really sucks.

There's only so many prequels you can make before the entire story collapses.