I'm guessing it'll be a 'not yet'. Same old story as every launch.
I'm guessing it'll be a 'not yet'. Same old story as every launch.
If it means faster loading times then I'm okay with this. It's no different to what I'm doing now, really, in that I still have to keep finding things to delete when I want to play a new game if it has an install.
Have you actually been following Kotaku over the last few months?
The Xbox One seems a lot more next-gen but it's cluttered, while the PS4 OS upgrade is slight but looks nice.
Oh dear.
What the hell is wrong with Microsoft? Why have they banned this guy? I sure hope it's not permanent.
Why sell you a game once when they can fleece you for all this stuff in DLC?
That's what I thought too. Probably just Microsoft PR jabber.
Looks kinda cool. I'll be interested to see how easy it is to do all that stuff using a controller rather than Kinect. And I'll be interested to see how it actually works in real life.
While most of me is saying, "This is the stupidest thing Microsoft have ever done" (no small claim given the year they've had), a little of me is saying, "This could be kinda smart".
I think it's kinda (really) ugly but then I don't like Windows 8 and this looks like Windows 8. So that's probably why.
Yeah, good point. I thought it sounded dubious. Perhaps it was just PR twaddlespeak.
Haven't Microsoft been saying, or at least someone saying, that they've got far more consoles ready than Sony?
Yeah, not for me. Dead Rising games have always been pretty boring. Perhaps that's just that the kerrraaazzzeeeee weapons don't amuse me, or perhaps it's the lack of compelling narrative in favour of whacking buttons to slice zombies up, but I've never really cared. Zombie games in general are something that I have no…
It probably wasn't even the best game beginning with A in 2012. It excelled at absolutely nothing, and was held back by a tonne of poorly thought out mechanics and questionable design choices. Oh, and a story that sucked so hard that everyone stopping moaning about Mass Effect 3.
I don't think I care. I'm not sure. I was kinda soured by Mass Effect with the third game, so on the one hand I'd like another game in the series to win me back over. But on the other hand, as sour as it was, it was a complete story, and an appendage now would feel tacked on.
I thought you couldn't put a drive in the PS4 that is less than 160GB?
I thought you couldn't put a drive in the PS4 that is less than 160GB?
While this is a very heart-warming tale of triumph over adversity, I can't help but feel that this article is somewhat misleading. It paints Adam Orth in a much more positive light regarding that whole "deal with it" fiasco than is probably fair.
Connor had potential. I liked his back story. In the end he was just boring though. It didn't help that all the other characters were boring too. Or that the story was boring. Or that the game was boring.
No, my controller never turns off. Even if it did, it would be set to one hour so it wouldn't have gone off. The next episode button is automatically highlighted at the end of an episode, so it's just one button to move to the next one.