
Isn't that like one button press on the controller?

The ten seconds this saves are really not selling me on needing to pay an extra £80 for a console.

Of course. This is just a couple of games at launch. It doesn't mean that the trend will continue. Three years down the line we could be sitting laughing at how inept the PS4 games look in comparison to the Xbox One games. But at the minute, there's questions being raised, and I think it's wrong to dismiss those as

No, there's no scandal. But there has been controversy. It's not a media creation or a fanboy creation. It's not insignificant or fictional. Some people are (rightly, some would say) annoyed that the console that costs £80 more is currently under-performing against its cheaper competitor. That's not a fanboy creation.

It looks kinda awful, but fair play to them for including the tank vs helicopter bit from the end of Rambo III.

Everything is most likely black. That hasn't stopped them making the console white. It's mind boggling to me that the Kinect is still black.

What the hell is that? Is that two layers of bread with cheese in the middle on top?

Gate as a suffix isn't specifically to do with lying and getting found out. It's a suffix used to denote that there's been scandal, some form of unethical action, a cover up, or these days, any form of controversy. Anthea Turner (British has-been television presenter, if you're not from the Isles) was famously

Why the shit is the Kinect still black?!

I certainly won't be arguing about any of this. I don't need to. I've already decided I'm buying a Playstation 4, which means that everything Sony do from here on out is heroic and badass, and everything Microsoft do is for paedophiles.

Well, I wouldn't say that. Resolutiongate would be a more appropriate term if coined by neutral media, or even Xbox fanboys, rather than Playstation fanboys.

Somewhat disconcerting that the Xbox One version never seems to show up on these videos.

Not that I care about any of these graphics arguments, and the resolution differences matter not one jot to me, I saw 'resolutiongate' on a news article earlier. I can't recall what it was since I've read a lot today, but it's definitely out there.

I'll just spoiler the end of this conversation so we don't have to go through all the tiresome back and forth; I was just pointing out that your original post was redundant because I'd already said that in my post.

Journey was one of my favourite multi-player experiences of the generation. I was shocked by how much I got out of it, actually. I felt quite attached to the person I was with, and found myself going to help them (and they helped me more than once too) when they were stuck or lost.

Well, thank God I'm not epileptic.

Yes, I don't actually play, or even like Call of Duty. Not since the first Modern Warfare anyway. I certainly won't be buying Ghosts.

I'm not not calm. I just question the point of the review being here. And why it's a terrible review.

"Also, I don't know if the review was subversively mocking the game, or whether it was just badly written"

This just reads like a rant written for a blog more than an actual review I should be listening to.