Both companies do it. Both companies do good things. Both companies do bad things. Stop acting like Microsoft are heroic knights in glistening armour and Sony are cowering in Mount Doom thinking up ways to fuck over gamers out of spite.
This is actually pretty good news, I think. Drive Club looked quite rough, and if it goes back, then Sony might have to come up with a new deal for the PS Plus day one game. I wasn't that interested in Drive Club, so the chance of getting something else sounds good to me.
I thought Mirror's Edge was fun for about four minutes.
So many things wrong.
Yes, I do. But I only play with people I know in real life. I don't have any Internet friends or anything. That's how we always play.
I like the real name stuff, as long as they keep it so that people who you don't know see your tag, and then give you the option for your friends to see your real details.
I've literally played about four minutes of GTA Online with people I don't know. Thank God. It's awful. With just my crew (there are nine of us) it's really cool. We've got a couple of other girls and stuff, and we just have fun and do the missions together.
Part of the reason I only own eight games for my Wii was because I didn't think it was worth persevering with the scrotum-punchingly awful controls to get to a game I might kinda like. The Wii-mote was about as comfortable as a bee sting to bell end, and in the event that you wanted to play a game that didn't just…
Yeah, but the Move is much better than the Wii-mote. Games-wise it was a shower of shit. And I've never been compelled to use one since the first (and only) time I played Sports Champions. But as a piece of tech it was easily the best motion control device of the generation.
Well, this isn't really anti-Xbone. It's about Ryse.
I think the vanilla cupcake one is my favourite. I mean, that doesn't even sound like something that a real life human being would ever say.
Well, that's one of the dumbest things I've ever read.
And Mario isn't a good character either. He's iconic. And fun. Like the Goodyear blimp.
I do like physics games. Just not this one.
I seem to remember the characters being circles with beaks and eyes, and the gameplay being a series physics puzzles that often relied more on luck than judgement. The bite sized levels were fine for mobile, but then that could be said of so many games on mobile. Really don't see the appeal.
I've really never understood how Angry Birds because so successful. I downloaded it when it first kicked off and it was rubbish. Then I deleted it. Then months later I downloaded it again because people were still going on about it and I wondered if I'd missed something. It was still rubbish so I deleted it again.
Looks ace and I'd like to play it but I'm not buying a 3DS.