This is an accurate description of the process.
This is an accurate description of the process.
Keith Olbermann Decimates The NFL
Oh snap!
Snoop Dogg on:
For that suggestion, she gets to drink FROM THE FIRE HOSE!!!!
minus the fuzz, you mean. Which makes them better.
So confused. How does the HAIRLESS peach fall so far below the regular Peach?
I know what you guys are thinking, and I for one think it's very immature. Just cut it out, assholes. Stop making fun of Tad Dickman's name.
This happens....
Greg Oden predates the creation of American jurisprudence therefor all of your "laws" are ex post facto to him.
*comes running thru door* did anyone make *heavy breaths* a joke about goodell *falls to knees heaving* a joke about goodell yet
Paskewich claims that request triggered a series of conference calls with HR, including Health Rosenthal, senior manager of employee relations
Paskewich claims that request triggered a series of conference calls with HR, including Health Rosenthal, senior manager of employee relations, and Donna Hricisko, director of human relations, in which Paskewich told them of her objections.
Hunter Pence thinks Milk and Honey Original Cafe Mix is the best cereal ever.
Can't wait for his take on Joe Rockhead thinking he's an elite quarry worker.
The best opinion of the day can be found among the Washington Post's letters to the editor. (The worst opinions of…
Question: Is there any difference in the way you felt physically, feel stronger?
Editor: How did it go, did you get anything good out of Foster?
Austin Collie used to give similar interviews to the beat writers in Indianapolis, except his stock answer was, "Who am I? Why are you asking me these questions?"
"Let the women learn in silence with all subjection. But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence." — 1 Timothy 2:11