Either the Nikon D600, or the D5100. I'm leaning towards the D5100 though, because since the D5200 came out, the price for the D5100 has dropped considerably. It's a massive bang for the buck, especially if you buy factory refurbished.
Either the Nikon D600, or the D5100. I'm leaning towards the D5100 though, because since the D5200 came out, the price for the D5100 has dropped considerably. It's a massive bang for the buck, especially if you buy factory refurbished.
That's how I was. "Woah, woah, woah. I bought this shit. It should already fit! What the hell?" Now, I love the thought of my clothes fitted to my specific body. The better the fit, the wider the range of motions and the more comfortable you'll be.
Oh, no. You definitely wouldn't want to attend an interview like that. Always "play it safe" when it comes to dressing for interviews. Keep the sartorial personality near non-existent. Things like this are for when you've either already established yourself, or are just off-work.
Sans socks with ankle flashing has been a trend for a couple years now. Keep up.
You don't just buy a suit off the rack and start wearing it, though. You have to have it altered by a tailor.
Sockless with a little ankle showing has been a bit of a trend for the past couple years.
Absolutely not.
Yes, it WAS a replica. Read the linked SWNS article. Piper owns both an actual 917, and a replica. The replica is the one that was damaged.
This list of dragon video games might be of use to some: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_dragon_video_games
Came for citations from credible scientific journals, get dietary fad literature instead.
Dissenting opinion does not equal trolling.
My first impulse was to say something snarky, but this really is io9's territory.
To you.
The same could be asked of Fritz Lang's Metropolis.
. . . awfully delightful!
It's too early for me to start drinking. Thanks, Woerner.
Vote: DVDFab
Peep Show is absolutely hilarious, as is their sketch show That Mitchell and Webb Look.
Limitation: Stats are not included in the holiday gift.