Very true.
Very true.
God Bless America (2011)
"Isn't fantasizing about killing people as a way to get your kicks really the filthiest form of pornography," LaPierre said.
Will Smith. . . lecturing others on mediocrity.
To me, this isn't a good reason why the "camera megapixel wars" need to stop. This is a good reason why the "storage wars"* need to pick up the pace.
Hell, why is the Wii Netflix app better than the Xbox 360 app?
Porlex Mini. Sure, it's twice the price as the Bodum Bistro, but the grind is about ten times better due to the ceramic burrs. Not to mention, a higher quality stainless steel construction, smaller size, and no need for an electrical source.
Personally, I find all of Instagram's filters shown above to be superior to Twitter's. Twitter's filters lose far too much detail by bumping the contrast too high.
It's the only case I trust my SCUBA gear in.
Nuh uhhh!
Have you learned nothing?
A NSFW tag is in order.
Came here to say the same thing.
Shut your face, Rusty!
Nowhere is safe.