I agree. I had a '97 Honda Prelude SH, and it was a joy to drive. Crazy good handling.
I agree. I had a '97 Honda Prelude SH, and it was a joy to drive. Crazy good handling.
I switched my Premium account over to the discount yesterday, and am still confused every time I see people saying that documented proof is required. All I had to do was indicate the name of my university.
I bought a refurbished Nikon D5200, and a refurbished Nikkor AF-S 50mm 1.4G from Adorama last year. Both were about half the price of "new" units. If it hadn't been labeled as refurbished, you'd never know. What I received was essentially a brand spankin' new camera and lens.
Save that hundred bucks, and use Duolingo.
I have the 257. I was skeptical about whether or not I could fit my books, notebooks, and ThinkPad in the 256, and I'm glad I went the larger route. I can see this bag outlasting me.
Likewise, and I feel like it's somewhat educational as well. I dig it.
There's a suction cup mount, and a screw mount if desired. However, the suction cup is STRONG, and has the added bonus of not doing irreparable harm to the vehicle's interior. I love the hell out of mine. Pinch two of the arms together, set the phone (There's a tablet version as well) in the cradle, and voila.…
I just recently decided to improve my stereo experience in my car. It's a '97, so there's no AUX, USB, or Bluetooth, and the CD player stopped working years ago. I was torn between an FM Transmitter, and just getting a new head unit. $50 for the top FM transmitter. $100 for a great head unit. Opted for the head unit.…
Heeead Hunterrrrr!
This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.
It just made geometric patterns around my house. *sigh*
Huh? The Gmail app is updated regularly. Hell, the most recent update was pushed three days ago. A major UI/feature update came out a few months back, as well.
No way to choose custom color themes without root (Cyan got old almost immediately).
Take that with a grain of salt.
In case anyone is looking for a Lightroom alternative, RawTherapee (Windows/Mac/Linux) is free and open-source. There's also Darktable (Mac/Linux), LightZone (Windows/Mac/Linux), and UFRaw (Windows/Mac/Linux), but results are mixed. Though, given that they're all free, there's no harm in trying them all and deciding…
I have a Bodum French press, a Melitta pour-over brewer, and a Beehouse pour-over brewer. Previously, I also owned a Kalita Wave and a Chemex. The Beehouse is my go-to brewer for clean, consistent cups with a nice middle-of-the-road level of required skill. It's not quite as pour-it-all-in simple as the Melitta, but…
For point #1: Neither. Certainly, don't just toss those babies straight into a hot pan, but there's also no need to dirty a bowl. Scramble them in an unheated pan, THEN put it over heat. The curdling will benefit from the gradual heating.
Mobile apps: Facebook's perpetually buggy and bloated offering, versus G+'s responsive and aesthetic app.
I've owned this thermometer for a few years now, and use it almost every time I make coffee.