I was going to say that I have about 12GB of photos, but after seeing answers in the hundreds of GB, I just lowered my head and slunk away. I only started using a camera two years ago, and it's a 35mm film SLR, so I can't exactly shoot willy-nilly.
I was going to say that I have about 12GB of photos, but after seeing answers in the hundreds of GB, I just lowered my head and slunk away. I only started using a camera two years ago, and it's a 35mm film SLR, so I can't exactly shoot willy-nilly.
Sometimes, the monster is us. Other times, it's that naked chick with the tentacles and parasite-spewing maw.
They definitely bring up some great points.
I get that reference!
I see what you did there.
I lost my shit when I saw that, too.
I probably like your answer best.
Haha likewise.
Thinking outside the box on what exactly a spaceship is. I like where your head's at.
It's not the lack of aerodynamics that'll kill ya.
Two in one pic.
I can't imagine what something like this would look like in a wind tunnel, and I doubt my professor is going to allow me to find out.
Not with 100% certainty, as with virtually everything. It's the data that sways the probabilities of hypotheses and theories that give us understanding, and what data we do have does not bode well for theism, much less the god of the Abrahamic religions.
Not a fan of teapots, I take it.
Stop being friends with Christians over a few irritating views and beliefs? Really? That's your answer?
"...you can't prove they're wrong."