
It's like Batman & Robin (1997), only with Superman. Praise be to Odin that this never saw the light of day.

I love that splicer costume.

VOTE: TrueCrypt

@Zubieta: I thought the same thing.

@BeefSupreme: I miss Blood Gulch. I was seriously disappointed when it wasn't added to any of the other Halo titles.

@The_Sporean_Bob: Classicly, ferreus homo (feh-ray-oos ho-mo) and ferreus vir (feh-ray-oos weer), and don't forget to roll those Rs.

@The_Sporean_Bob: I probably wouldn't choose either, because most people mispronounce classical Latin, often opting for the lazier ecclesiastical dialect. When mispronounced, they don't have the same effect. So, I'd probably go with OP's choice, despite the cool factor of having a superhero dressed in Roman armor

@LadyvonSnarkyPants: Thanks for the book recommendation. I've already checked out YouTube and as many DIY sites and blogs as I could find. So far, I haven't been able to find anything online on how to alter menswear.

@metallicfire: I know I'd buy it. Maybe that's part of the evil master plan.

@twothefutureandbeyond: I think maybe I've figured out root of the confusion. You're not American,Canadian, or British, are you? No one here (except perhaps the elderly, or a second grader eager to show off his/her new reading/writing skills) types like that.

@twothefutureandbeyond: Your opinion is duly noted. However, as I said before, it's been pretty much standardized for years. All caps = yelling. You can say that this is untrue, but it would be like claiming the Mississippi River should flow North.

@The_Sporean_Bob: The Iron Man translated into Latin in literal terms would be Ferreus Homo (or Ferreus Vir). Nominative singular.

Hmmm, interesting. As long as they keep the Disney-grade crap to a minimum, lay off on the excessive CG special effects, and pay more attention to injecting at least basic character development, then I'll probably watch it. I can't say I'll like it though; that's up to them. Will they create more garbage, or will they

@twothefutureandbeyond: No one's arguing that a person can't understand someone's post because it's in all caps. It's just that if someone were to type something in all caps, they're perceived as yelling, and few online situations require the high emotions of yelling. This has been a tacit rule in the online community

@Nigra: Oh OK. Thanks.