
For those of us who don't live in the larger cities, finding a proper tailor (or a tailor at all) is easily the hardest part.

@BytheSea: The button is one of the easiest things to alter. Either something about the blouse prohibited the alteration of the button's location, or you need a new tailor (it's probably the former though).

Well, I WAS looking forward to this, but the private videos quickly dashed my interest.

This is one of those, "Thanks, Captain Obvious," moments. I don't want kids, at least, my own. If I do go down that road, I'll just adopt a preexisting kid. I'm OK with used products; I buy on eBay.

@ManchuCandidate: "God demands we have 18 children so we may spread his word and defeat the heathens!"

I are disappoint.

@Batmanuel: I seem to remember personally owning transparent gadgets as far back as 1994.

I heart Abduzeedo.

Hell yes. That's gorgeous. I've been dying for a transparent phone case for years. This reminds me of my old beeper from the '90s.

I like the original poster better. The colors contrasting on black, the silhouettes, and the lack of overly-busy background flow much better. Then again, the new poster has Olivia Wilde... but even yet again, the original has Cindy Morgan.

Like Cloverfield and Paranormal Activity, I don't hate this idea.

Urban Outfitters approves.

This disappoints me.

Hammacher Schlemmer... of the SkyMall Schlemmers?

Hahaha I love it.

Dr. Van Helsing is not amused.

@Salacion: I think it has something to do with the top of a mountain. I could be wrong though.

It started off pretty slow and typical, but after a few episodes, it started to develop. Next thing I knew, my eyes were watery during the final episode.

When I think of the George Lucas of THX 1138, Star Wars, and American Graffiti, I get a warm, fuzzy feeling. Now, I despise everything he stands for. So, no, Joel; it is not time to forgive George Lucas. He continues to this very day to ruin everything he's ever created. And let's not even get into his current