
The unmarked Das Keyboard gets my vote. I do love it so.

Hmmm, I"ll just stick with MS Office 2007. I think I'll migrate to OpenOffice when I get a new machine.

Are... are there people who don't know how to do this? Who and where are they? #annoyances

I'd like to see a LifeHacker article on how to easily and cheaply develop film at home. #photography

@bobofish: Call me old-fashioned, but I prefer to sharpen my knives by hand with the proper stones. #kitchen

Not bad, but I'll stick with my 20cm Global G-2 Chef's Knife. #kitchen

I use Hulu because it is free, and because it's slightly more convenient than downloading shows to my hard drive. Now they want money. I laugh, and download the torrents instead. I'm not paying for crap I'm only going to watch once or twice. #hulu

If anyone has gluten or lactose issues, [] has some great recipes on hand. She even has a great almond milk recipe. #recipes

Countless users (myself included) are unable to set Chrome themes. Hopefully this issue will be resolved soon. I look forward to a change in scenery. #chrome

I have to say, the advice given after the link is not helpful in the least. It's just feel-good crap your mom would tell you. I was expecting actual advice on proper techniques and fine-tuning personal methods in lieu of expensive equipment.

I can't count the number of times I've had to alert friends that their accounts had been phished, and teach them how to avoid it in the future.

When I wake up in the morning, I just have breakfast. I save the caffeine for later in the day when I start to tire, and I go for tea; usually an oolong or pu-erh.

@DrPerz: High five! I was thinking the same thing. Back in highschool, I started out with Schick Quattro, then started to use a Gillette Fusion. I noticed a massive difference when I moved onto a DE Safety Razor, and again, another massive difference when I bought my first Dovo Straight Razor. You're right about

@PickledEgg: You didn't read the article, did you?

I live in southern Louisiana, so this isn't really a problem for me. My herbs grow year round. However, it's nice to know this trick if ever the occasion should arise. Thanks lifehacker.

Nothing on the above list is something I care to see in my Ubuntu. In fact, an app store is something I do NOT want.