
Daenerys is really gonna have Aegon her face when she finds out who she’s hooking up with tonight!

A fun thought experiment. Let’s take a closer look.

This. As a native Californian raised in Texas I laughed at all the Texas idiots with “Secede” bumper stickers during Obamas administration. And yet I would have to say that Texas stood a hell of a lot better chance of being self sufficient than Cali. I love California but it’s also a fucking hot mess of a government.

Like most depictions, magically the US doesnt function like it does in reality. Can’t sell the story if facts get in the way.

Please... CA can barely keep itself together, let alone secede than succeed. All military personnel would immediately be pulled from the state. Fed funding would immediately be shut off. We’d be broke within 12 months completely vulnerable to outside threats with a nearly de-armed populace. I’m all for fantasy and

shit’s probably a strychnine-ketamine mix.

We had the same puffy clouds east of Nashville in Donelson, but the sun was unobstructed at totality. And let me just say, you came to Nashville and ate at a Cookout? Those places are nasty, yeah, it’s cheap food; and it tastes as cheap as it is. So many other incredible restaurants you could have eaten at. :(

“But when you say that Hitler did nothing wrong you are explicitly advocating for violence against nonwhite people.”

I keep seeing various articles saying that white people need to speak up and denounce this crap, and say that reasonable white people should distance themselves from the racist assholes, and make it known that racism is unacceptable. And if you don’t you are a racist and part of the problem.

I also have seen articles

The reasons to be against doxxing are the same reasons to be against the death penalty: Not wanting the wrong person to get punished. Convicting someone wrongly in the court of public opinion can have lasting repercussions in their lives, and then whom do you hold responsible for it?

This type of journalism is like a maze where you are given misleading directions so you have to rely on your own intuition and reasoning to come to the correct conclusion.

But you just know Gizmodo is gonna twist every word to push their biased agenda.

Welcome to Gizmodo. Now, on the other hand, if they were going after the FBI file of Peter Theil, I’d get it.

What good would this do? Looking for dirt on a dead man only to tarnish someone with whom you did not agree. Focus on current events.

“I read the book and followed the instructions,” was a pretty great line.

My point was that the Democratic platform is more racist, at least that’s what I always thought, since their policies keep minorities poor and government dependent. Were I live most people seem to agree. Could be a regional perspective also. FYI, I consider myself neither Democrat nor Republican, but I do lean more

Superman? No so much. The flaming, burning wreckage in his wake? Oh, you could see that for miles!

Well, kinda

The absolute best comment section in these parts comes from Lifehacker, hands down. Both the writers and the people who comment are absolutely fantastic. Kudos to all of them over there!