
The other reason is because you could be giving it to women without even knowing it. Think of other people!

Anecdotally I’ve always used mushrooms as a kind of reset button. I struggle with depression, not that severe, but still I’ve found in the months after a strong trip to see some real benefits. I find around 7 or 8 grams I experience that “ego death” moment. Leading up to it my whole body will fight it, I think that’s

Wod’s wrong with that?

Wod’s wrong with that?

In my opinion many problems could and should be solved with an impromptu orgy. With or without fish.

Eh, the first trip was well enough intentioned. The genocide started the second time around. The Arawak were far too friendly. If they’d been like the Sentinelese that shit might have never happened.

The air on a plane is so recirculated that no seat may be safe if someone had a true “life-threatening” allergy. From the airline’s point of view, if they put her in, say, first class and flew and she had a reaction mid-flight and died, they’d be sued faster than you can blink.

She was already asking for an epi-pen

Home Depot has always allowed them. People with “emotional support/service animals” are becoming more common, and most of those dogs are truly awful.

It doesn’t say specifically, but I think from reading accounts of the situation that it’s possible they did try to seat her further away from the dogs. The guy who shot the video said the flight crew tried to work with her and it is their policy to move seats if a passenger is allergic to pets.

Old man here. When did it become okay to bring dogs everywhere? I see them at the grocery store, Home Depot, etc. Service dogs are fine, but I don’t believe that emotional support dogs should even be a thing. That just sounds like a fancy synonym for pet. Not everyone wants to encounter dogs when they go shopping.

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—

Yeah, but let’s be honest: that’s a fraction of the number of people on opioids. They hand out Vicodin like candy. Toothache? Have some oxy. America is abnormally opioid happy.

4 lines and 50gb between them is about 12.5gb each. Not much at all really.

Wrong. I’m on the last day of my cycle and I’m at 30 gig. That’s all from youtube and podcasts while on my way to and from work. That’s not even counting the data I use on WiFi.

Of course that is what they are doing and so what? That is what is was fucking sold as!

That’s fake news. I never tether and routinely hit 20GB a month on Verizon

In that case they shouldn’t market it as an unlimited plan.

It’s a feedback loop. They can call someone for mansplaining and if the man does ANYTHING other than politely accept the accusation, they are then further guilty of mansplaining. It’s a tactic to control the interaction. The example above is simply patronizing condescension and happens all the time to men/women by men

Dear Lifehacker,

Did anyone stop to think that maybe these were just hungry, hungry hippos?

Hey, at least the wildebeest has time to say goodbye to his family and get his affairs in order. Ya know? Say all the things he never got to say. Check some stuff off his bucket list. Figure out a willlaaaaaaannnnndddd a lioness just picked him off.