
Not to be judgmental, but… get your fucking shit together. Proofread. Correct your errors when you screw up, like we all do.

“The UK is not that its government allowed a 24-story public housing building to be built under such abominable safety standards that 79 people died in a massive fire two weeks ago.”

“So... Earth has wizards now.”

Thor hasn’t made a single appearance in a Marvel movie beyond his own and the two Avengers films. 

“Uber’s coup de grâce is simply proof that the company has fucked over a lot of people since its doomed inception, eight years ago. I’m not happy the company is finally getting its just deserts. I’m honestly as pissed as ever that Uber even exists...”

boycott, verb: To abstain, either as an individual or a group, from using, buying, or dealing with someone or some organization as an expression of protest.

Huh. Well that’s gotta be the weakest Predator of them all...

Agreed. Well said, Bull Moose.

My posting history will bear out the fact that I am a proud progressive, but this article was pure liberal navel gazing.

1- Of course, but how much each is going to contribute?

Dude, we are talking about power only.... Nobody will install a private refinery to feed their own power plant. But capitalism and free markets are making Solar / Wind cheap enough that nearly every homeowner can afford to be 100% Energy independent with 3 ~ 4 years worth of energy costs. Currently there is a power

That’s the key 99.9% of all the people complaining about it have no idea what it is and how much it costs. Why should the US have to pay these other countries 100 billion dollars a year to comply? Of course 177 nations have signed on, they want that sweet sweet United States Dollar.

“Tim Cook, Mark Zuckerberg and other tech leaders are speaking out....”

Don’t worry. I’m not ungreyed. Someone who is ungreyed happened to star or reply to my post. I do find your approval of censorship of harmless opinion disturbing though. Hoping you’re one of the ones too lazy to go vote.

You’re unhinged. Wishing death upon those who have different political opinions isn’t healthy.

We shouldn’t. I expect everyone to be adults and deal with their problems. If they need aid their government can request it and it might be granted and they can have the aid inside their country, but why should I house another country’s citizens? Go clean up your own house rather than abandoning it.

Given that the “right” side of history is currently destroying western civilization as best it can, I’ll happily be “wrong.” As an aside, being racist requires hating other people because they’re X color. I hate no one because they happened to be born a specific race. Can’t be helped and if you’re good to others then

Meh. I have no obligation to care about citizens of other countries. They should fix their own countries so they’re livable rather than moving here illegally.

Also, stop using the term ‘race’ to describe members of the same species. Humans are not separated by race, we are one race (also known as species, humans do not have subspecies classifications and there is no taxonomical rank of “race,” the use of “race” in biological terms is met with extreme disdain) separated by

I live how liberals try to use “snowflake.” It’s hilarious. You’re the ones who get bent when an opposing political view is dared to be shared.