
You didn’t catch the disconnect between ‘invasive species are the big risk’ and ‘moving to terrain where other species are established’?

Or I can just uncase my rifle and flip off the safety.

Yeah? How well do you treat your mentally ill? How is your medical and wellness system over there anyway?

More kids drown in swimming pools than are killed with guns.

Switzerland, Sweden and Norway are in the top 10 of all countries in guns per capita and their gun deaths are DRASTICALLY lower than ours. This is not simply a “guns = bad” equation.

Let’s see how anti-gun you are when someone is breaking into your house to rob you and possible hurt your wife and children. Oh and they have a gun because a ban on guns does nothing to keep bad people from having them. You want to fight them hand to hand with a baseball bat? People need to be held accountable for

Really don’t need your political opinion on guns bud. Guns are never going to be banned. Gun education and awareness is a better idea.

Of course it’s possible although I am struck that he chose to end his life at his workplace vs a personal space like his home. His method of suicide also included a weapon that he covertly brought to his job.

They don’t have Chinese employees. They contract from Foxconn. Guess what: So do all of the other tech companies. I keep challenging people to find me a major tech company that doesn’t have Foxconn-assembled products inside the computers they sell.

I’m all for snarky comments about pink laptops but...not at the expense of dead people.

Cost is mostly an excuse. If you actually want to exercise, you can find a space for it. All you need is the ground and the weight of your own body to get an effective workout. Pushups, squats, burpees, pistols, and planks are great exercises that require no equipment. If you can find something sturdy overhead to do

“Oh, you think the gym is your ally. But you merely joined the gym; I was born in it, moulded by it. I didn’t realize there were other options until I was already a man, by then they were nothing to me but confusing!”

Your post is so full of evidence that it’s hard to argue with.

Let me guess: You love Cam Newton, though?

Man I got tired just watching them rush Newton. They were relentless.

Never gets old, Joey.

While Peyton was peddling Bud and Papa Johns, Cam’s press conference performance was simply peddling for Southwest Airlines.

Interesting theory. Cam isn’t who we thought he is because of the man behind the curtain.

Remember when football used to be about, you know, the game? Jesus, let it go. The pressers are stupid, pedantic and ridiculous anyway. The talk today should be about the Denver defense, and how they dismantled and mindfucked three of the top offenses in football on their way to a championship. They should be heralded