
ex-officios - odor proof, sweat proof, anti-microbial, and INSECT REPELLENT. perfect for when you're chilling w/ andrew zimmern in the jungle, eating durian and live caterpillars, etc.

ex-officios - odor proof, sweat proof, anti-microbial, and INSECT REPELLENT. perfect for when you're chilling w/

ExOfficio Men's Give-N-Go Boxer Briefs
These are completely comfortable in any situation I've thrown at them - desk-sitting, hiking, yard work, running, sleeping, sweaty activities, whatever. They are durable and stay "new" longer than other other undies I've worn.…

ExOfficio Men's Give-N-Go Boxer Briefs
These are completely comfortable in any situation I've thrown at them -

(Warning: about to turn into a Francis who desperately needs to lighten up.)

Johnny Weir's attempt at David Tyree cosplay didn't work out so well.

'Who ordered the "flamingly brotastic yarmulke"?'

Another tip: if you tap Finger 1 or Finger 2 or whatever, you can change the label. This is handy when TouchID stops responding to one of your fingers. You'll know which one to delete and retrain.

Can't be any worse than the fingerprint reader on the Samsung GS5.

if you actually care about audio quality then you'd rather be dead than get anything by Beats.


Who let you out of the retirement home, grandpa?

Different providers are routed to different CDNs for the actual video content, but the playlists themselves come from a centralized database, and that's what is likely down. That's why the Xbox is currently stuck at 3:00pm.

He traveled! There. I saved a bunch of contrarians some time on this beautiful Saturday. You're welcome.

30 seconds into a game of Smash Bros, you'd be completely drained.