
Actually really fast. Just ran this test on Macbook Pro running SL to iPhone 4 on iOS 4.2.1 AT&T. Faster and safer than most free wi-fi!

Uh if she is sending it to your phone the Email and MMS settings are right there in the native photo app. To both of you tho, there is a jailbreak add on called iSocial Share to allows uploading to Twitter and Facebook from within Photos app.

*yawn* I've been using my iPhone 3G and now 4 as a hotspot for some time. JB is the only way to go.

I talked to an AT&T rep earlier and she had not heard of this deal. She was aware of other text offers in the past including the last promo that went out to Uverse customers via text. Now I'm not saying she knows everything that goes on at AT&T, but I would be wary of this. Especially those texting yes to the number

This new site layout is horrible... Esp that ad that stays on the home page for 10-15 seconds before you can see the story or two it's covering. Looks like I'll be doing most of my reading from my iPhone on Reeder. And forget commenting in this new system. Ugh:( Giz why????

Was going to put my iPhone 4 up on eBay if this was $300-400. I'll pass for now esp with the data add on. Maybe when I'm due for my upgrade in the fall I'll check back on this combo and see if Moto and AT&T have switched gears.

In all my scurrying at times on this site for the latest news on the iPhone, advances in Graphene technology, or what's new with Android etc., I truly appreciate these kinds of articles and associated photos. They cause me to slow down for a moment and appreciate things outside my box. Thanks Giz and keep up the great

@joshl: I've never used the Nike+ GPS just the Nike+ with sensor for indoor runs. I'll try out the GPS app this afternoon. Thanks!

@joshl: I use both since I can track treadmill runs easily with Nike+, but Runkeeper wins hands down IMO for outdoors. Able to submit runs in app w/o going to Safari, google maps, and more data available on your device. I also find that the Nike+ Sensor is often off on distance and needs to be re-calibrated at times.

I live in Knoxville and had a best friend that graduated from Webb. I can definitely attest that Webb making kids buy iPads was more about them maintaining their illusion as social elite, and less about effective, innovative education. A shame really... Well they made headlines and kids down the street at Catholic are

@Xagest: @Xagest: Gotcha... Yeah water in Knoxville, TN is pretty bad... I feel your pain. Oh well at least you won't suffer bone loss lol. My step dad used to use muriatic acid to clean rust off of tow chains. Wicked stuff!

@Xagest: Gotcha... Yeah water in Knoxville, TN is pretty bad... I feel your pain. Oh well at least you won't suffer bone loss :) My step dad used to use muriatic acid to clean rust off of tow chains. Wicked stuff!

@Xagest: What the hell is in your water that produces a ring that requires acid to remove is the question I'd be asking! :0

@Matt0505: Well the Dev-Team should have an unlock out shortly after the phone goes on sale...

Like the dual band Wi-fi, but 1230 mAh battery??? And the rest looks par for the course if this phone was coming out in the next month, not next fall :(

@CaffineFreakUs: I've been on the iPhone since 2007. No Bluetooth A2DP for over a year, no cut and paste, a lame camera with no flash and the MP wasn't really improved upon till the 3GS, no 3G in my original 2G etc. There's more that was behind the curve but you get the point. Some things were improved in OS updates

@Sloth: Thank and You! Been a while since I had to invoke the tag elimination power.