
Love my iPhone 4, but can somebody remind me how to filter iPhone 4 coverage out of my Giz feed? Pleeeeeeeze?

@CaffineFreakUs: I have an iPhone 4 and am very happy, but your point is very solid and as soon as the Atrix or Infuse come out I will be all over it (I know still virtual keyboard, but bigger screen at least). Somewhere along the way after spending thousands of dollars on Apple products, Jobs REALLY pissed me off

With my jb iPhone MyWi works great, I don't pay xtra fees, and I can take calls. Win win for me. I have been extremely happy with AT&T in Knoxville and get great 3G speed and coverage. I went home for the holidays and had horrible coverage in Denver so I can see people switching, but I won't be one... for now.

@Arcane: No, Mama, the search continues.

@NorwoodIsMyHero: And money is the devil. Or wait is it women? I'll ask Mama Boucher.

@FriarNurgle: Hell indeed. I used to love Apple... Now Jobs hopping in bed with Murdoch proves he's in cahoots with the Devil himself.

@Tzalaf: I have a 10 second attention span. I read your whole post. Well thought out sir. My buddy who used to work for Northwest and I were just talking about how Israel approaches airline security and that we could learn a lot from them.

@jeff4: Their liquids policy is enforced by idiots. I had to throw away an expensive bottle of cologne on a flight right after the policy was enacted and I was unaware. Sure it was a 4 ounce bottle, but at half full I explained to TSA that I was well under the 3.4 ounce restriction. They replied by saying I had to

Insert SIM? Maybe I'll be glad I'm still with with AT&T for once... One can dream right?

@njdevil: Sweet, glad I could help. It took me an hour or two of frustration before I figured it out. It works great with my 360 as well as the PS3.

@njdevil: I had to configure the IP address in the general config tab to the IP address of my laptop b4 it would work. Hope that helps.

@Almightywhacko: I'll agree with batteries and chargers, but hard drive and RAM? Apple, Dell, HP, etc there is no difference. The gig of RAM I bought for $9 on eBay a while back would work in any PC. The 500 GB Seagate drive in my Macbook Pro doesn't discriminate either.

Pro HDR is $1.99. Still not a bad price for what you get in terms of features.

@nuufix: No where did he say that. He stated that it was optimized for the 4 i.e. retina display.

@Kaiser-Machead v.2.1.2: Fine in moderation? Hahaha so I can drink 3 ounces of Coke a day. Sweeeeet......

@uncle_jojo: Check there web site. I know their other stands do.

@FourOhOne: Damn socialists :) At least I could get a cool phone outta the deal...