Haha, the overwhelming and completely obvious answer to that question is...
Haha, the overwhelming and completely obvious answer to that question is...
Thank you for dealing with this troll. I am finding it hard to resist every potential smackdown that I can see.
Most of them want damsel privilege and oppressed impunity without even realizing it.
So does someone have a concise and efficient retort/research to debunk this claim? I would love to have that in my arsenal against idiot sexists I come across in my daily life.
I have no problem with TSwift other than that she's so saccharinely-sweet that it just annoys me, but I'm far from offended. I don't really get people claiming that she is slut-shamed. In my understanding, she's not being slut-shamed for dating; she's being teased for writing heartbreak songs over douchey guys she…
Hm, I have to say I agree with T-Swizzle, essentially, but I find it annoying and aggravating that it comes from a women who stated publicly that she's not a feminist:
I feel like I've lost one of my best friends about two years ago because of her child. We both moved to different countries (but not so far away from each other) right before she had her baby. Since then, I travelled to visit her probably 5 times, and she to me once. She works part-time, doesn't like to get…
Ugh, bullshit. I do the opposite - no breakfast, medium lunch, big dinner - and I'm thin. People are different, bodies are different, there's no damn cure for that.
Is this for real science?
Oh, damnit! I was hoping that was going to be a great retort to a troll! :) But I see your point.
According to this study of economic costs of violent crime in 8 American cities, violent crimes (of which a significant percentage are committed with handguns), "direct annual costs of violent crime in the eight cities total $3.7 billion per year". And that's only in 8 cities! And that doesn't count the "value of the…
Both women in those minty gowns look terrible. Jessica looks like she had Donald Trump's hairstylist, and Rosario Dawson forgot her neck.
The one above that should say "Asking for it and money" not "whore". At least then you get paid for your offensive whorishness.
Also, Tay-tay looks like she has kinda puffy cry-eyes in those pics. I can say from personal experience, that no amount of make-up will de-puff cry-eyes.
Whoa, Lindsey looks SO MUCH like her mom. You can really see it in those pictures, despite the black eye.
My, my, Emma Stone is skinny. Not bad, just very slight. In my mind, for some reason, she is always a little curvy or softer. Maybe because her smiley cheeks...
I would be interested to see some statistics of the demographic break-down of which age, 'class', geographical area, tends to wear the most make-up. I'm in my late twenties, rather fashionable, I wear make-up most days, sometimes more, sometimes less, I enjoy the process of applying it and playing with colours and…
Alright already! Amanda, be my BFF!