Phillipa Marlowe

I suppose all tennis players should get paid on the number of points won, then? Is that your point? Why gender it? And it's not like women decided to have less sets. That's society setting it's own standard for women, and then trying to punish women for that standard. Maybe we should have real equality in tennis, and

Hey! I love this look on women! I think it's the best challenge to feminine gender expectations! ETA: Also, it's interesting that porn stars and Playmates have adopted this style, because they are generally wont to fit into quite strict expectations of feminine appearance.

Huh. I don't have children, but I've been thinking about it being in my middle-future lately (give me 5 years until I really start thinking about it), but I think I'll be the opposite of attachment parenting. I'm a teacher, so I kind of have an idea about how I interact with kids close to me. And I'm not very nice.

What the hell? I'm a teacher of teenagers, as well, and while I enjoy fooling them with my dry and sarcastic wit, I would never dream of doing something genuinely harmful or hurtful! What idiots!


It might just be me, but the lipstick in the picture looks completely fake. But why would you replace real lipstick for fake lipstick in a picture about lipstick...?

I, too, am an older sister by 8 years! I did help raise my sister, which made for some tense times when I was a teenager, but as we get older we are becoming closer and closer. I guess I liked being an only child, but I know that having a sibling made me a better person. I can tell when I'm being selfish, and I think

Does the show glamorize teen mothers? I think if people think that, logically, all TV shows should never show anything bad. In the same way, does Intervention glamorize addiction?

Why are people upset about this? It's a funny article with its tongue place solidly inside of its cheek! Everybody has unrequited crushes; everybody has been "friend-zoned"; and everybody always wants to qualify it as a gender issue. The thing is, everybody has the same issues. The whole "bro'd" and "friend-zone"

Incredibly well-written and articulate! I think you should post about Girls from now on. :)

Haha, he did hate it. He said he deleted it and didn't even respond. :)

Tee-hee! I just sent this to BF. I think he's going to roll his eyes and hate it. :)

I just realised when I posted this to my FB wall that almost everything I post on FB is from Jezebel...


I know Christina had a Spanish language album many years ago, but is she fluent in Spanish? Just wondering...

Well, this is a pretty unusual case, so you homeschooled on the off-chance your kid would be in an abusive situation at school? There are a lot more cases of children being abused at home than at school.

Perfecto, my friend.

Wow, thanks for sharing this experience. That's tough, and very very brave of you to have forgiven your father.

Yes, I think you brought up a very interesting topic. I guess I picked up on the attitude towards Brown that is not directed at other violent men. He seems defined by his violence, whereas other (white) men's violence might be seen an anomaly.

General response to everyone because there are many comments.