Cross-posted from groupthink: Serious relationship advice needed, in reply.
Cross-posted from groupthink: Serious relationship advice needed, in reply.
I cheated on my LD boyfriend. I feel absolutely awful and I can't stop thinking about it. I want to say that it was a stupid drunken mistake, and it kind of was, but mostly it was me getting too caught up in the chemistry I had with a new acquaintance. To give some background (not excuses) I have had self-destructive…
Ow. I just tried this, and now my knee hurts.
That is by far the most interesting thing I've read all day! That novel sounds really cool!
I think you're right. And not only adolescent, but, like any teenage girl, she seeks male attention for validation, no matter who the male might be.
Wow. I am also 25. No kids, but I am a teacher. Of young teenagers. And while they can sometimes be cute, endearing, charming, whatever, nothing in the world could convince me that having sex with one is a good idea.
That was my first thought, too!
On the bright side, by the time I'm forty, I may not have to worry about unwanted pregnancies? I guess that's nice.
Wow, I have pretty much the exact same story as you! Horrible acne, lost weight, giant boobs, return of the sex drive, no more digestive discomfort - all when I went off the pill!
It's weird seeing/hearing them get older when their voices are so immortalised in our heads! Though Paige O'Hara seems a little... off. A little like she was drunk, or maybe hasn't been singing for many years. What do you all think?
I named our two sister cats Zizou (after Zinedine Zidane - we were in France during the 2006 World Cup, and, as it turns out, she likes to head-butt) and Moose, who is the little, semi-mentally challenged runt. What category does Moose go under?
When my sister was little, she thought Ella Fitzgerald was Ellafitz Gerald. So I REALLY REALLY want to name the next pair of cats Ellafitz and Gerald :)
I know, me, too! I remember asking my parents what Dr Zhivago was.
Why did we ever think that ribbed turtleneck sweaters were a good match for oversized athletic pants?
Whatever. I went off the Pill last year after being on it for 6 years. I lost 20 lbs in the following months with NO CHANGE to my lifestyle or diet whatsoever. Then, I went back on a Pill (a different one) 3 months ago and have put on 5 lbs, again, with NO CHANGE to my lifestyle or diet. Is aging at fault for this?
I think age has to do with it. I was a teenager when it was on, and when I did get a chance to sneak peeks at it, I was very shocked to see sex discussed so openly and honestly. It's definitely influenced how I think and talk about sex with people. So, for all its faults, Yey for SATC from me.
Judging by the editor, Vogue Japan must have a significantly different aesthetic than American Vogue.
Ok TMI time: I loved yoga when I started doing it a few years ago, but I stopped for quite an embarrassing reason. I frequently got air in... some places, and it makes rather embarrassing sounds! The last thing I want in yoga class is to make fart sounds with my genitalia. I can even predict when it's going to happen,…
Yep, me, too!