
Kill me now. Please.

I remember the original 80s Jetta, you could get 6 medium size adults in the trunk. Pretty cool car back then.

Please do not send that tawdry piece of dog-shit back to the UK. Cunt is too good a word for him.

in 1992 a 36 hours delay from Chicago to Manchester (UK) - until they bumped me up to Concorde from JFK. #WIN I lied and told them my mother had died. I know, but hey..

Tickets to the Top Gear filming.

Always get the top floor, no one likes living below a tap-dancer with wooden floors. Bastard.

I kinda struggle to natch up the rear view with the front view. The face I like, but that ass. ..... Mmmmmm I'm not so sure.

I use sticky tape to lift cat hairs off furniture and clothing etc. It's quick and cheap.

That was a woman? Are you sure?


Badger tip works for me. I always finish off with a rub of my alum block afterwards all over my face.

I had the Merkur 34C then switched to the Futur, it's an awesome rig, and has given me my joy of shaving back. I can get a pack of 10 blades for £1.20 and that lasts me 4 months or so, a pack of 4 cartridge blades runs to about £12:40 and last about 6 weeks. I'm pleased I bailed from that whole cartridge thing, now

Somewhere a village is being deprived of its idiot.

Newsblur. Cross platform including mobile, headlines, highlights and full article, syncs across all your devices. It's what Google reader ought to have been.

Damn, I thought that was a bukkake shot for a couple of moments.

As long as there isn't a Tony Blair app it's all good.

This has nothing to do with JFK, it's some other Kennedy but can't remember who.

Also with this app YOU own YOUR data, no one else, you can sync it with Dropbox, export your data as .csv or json and the creator @Brendandawes is going to be releasing opensource data visualisation tools for your data.

We disguise it under the label of "constructive feedback"

It's like a stick-shift but a lot smaller...