
He’s a full kit wanker. He got what he deserved.

Leaving my bubble means going to a black owned business? What are you even talking about?

Well, it used to be a working 9-5, but Saab owners were quick to point out the contradiction.

People who work primarily with timezones to their west.

My regular hours are 9 to 7.

And he continues to be an asshole who uses a loophole in service dog laws to fly his dogs around with him. There is a special place in hell for people like Lewis with fake service dogs.

Pardon me, but this entire digression borders on insane. Here’s a handy guide for anyone who is debating whether they should coast downhill or leave their car in gear

the Citroen TUB from 1939 has basically the same layout as this thing. I wouldn’t even bet that that was the first one to have it either.


There’s a place in Bellevue, WA. that can do good car cakes. This was my wedding cake. It was hot out, so there were some components failing by the evening, but no bad for frosting.

If I’ve learned anything from the Alien movies, its to not even get f**king close to the eggs

Emergency vehicles with their “lights on” are supposed to slow down as they approach a red to make sure cross traffic sees them and stops.

It’s the same here in the states, this guy just ignored that. Most officers, ambulances, and fire trucks are pretty good about it, from what I’ve seen.

It’s just about time to start requiring rumbler / howler sirens too. Any run of the mill beigemobile with the windows up is a lot more soundproof these days. Add in AC or music and sirens approaching at right angles just don’t penetrate enough.

Left this one outside yesterday.

still don’t know why they don’t make the same kind of suspension anymore... rumor has it that thing is the smoothest thing ever...

Rub some dirt on it kid and man up. You’ll outgrow emotions.

I love Fernet so much.

Yup. I often find myself playing a little game of “how much less frequently can I brake than the guy in front of me”.

This drive me crazy. I can drive for miles in traffic following someone w/o touching the brakes, while they tap the pedal every 10 seconds.