
This whole article and argument is a waste. You know what games should be? What their creator(s) envisioned, nothing less, and nothing more. Gamers are some of the most entitled people ever. You don’t get to dictate someone else’s art.

Maybe I don’t understand what this is. I assumed it was like Roblox “game” type creation tools. With like premade assets and what not.

No uterus. That’s a biological woman’s organ. Not all women mind you, as some are in fact born without one, but as far as I know, no biological men are born with one, outside of a rare “disorder” (don’t like that word)

Sure doesn’t sound like it lol.

Redbox can’t go away. Streaming quality is shit. Low bitrate made worse by crappy internet connection, and no HD audio. And people push this garbage through their OLED and think they are getting the most out of their high end TV.. barf. Physical media for life.

None yet and I have been playing monster hunter world a shit ton on mine. But I am concerned. Other than that it’s beautiful

None yet and I have been playing monster hunter world a shit ton on mine. But I am concerned. Other than that it’s

The sad fact is the AAA gaming industry has become fast food. There is no care anymore it’s all about cost cutting and marketing and selling a minimum viable product to as many people as possible. The only people left with any good will from me is the monster hunter team at capcom.

If I could star you twice I would

Doesn’t sound as good as the GT350 I’ll just say it. Also doesn’t look as good as the GT350... Who is this car for?

The issue here is the price. I think the car is beautiful, and seriously considered buying one. Then I realized I was just a stones throw from a GT350 at MSRP and that just makes this car seem dumb. If it was 39,990 I’d be all over it.

It’s not the same. I was a light smoker (2 packs a week) for 15 years. I had “tried” to quit multiple times (real talk, I didn’t want to quit so I didn’t) in 2010 my daughter was born. That unimaginable love I felt for that tiny little girl the first time I held her, led my inner voice to say “I definitely don’t want

I will admit I am probably partially biased because I own a 2016 Mustang, but this doesn’t look terrible. I think the S550 is a beautiful car. So much so, that I decided not to buy a Scion GT86, and got a 2016 GT instead.

Seems like it was mostly a PC issue, I was on PS4. I do remember some lagginess but no game is perfect. If definitely didn’t stop me from having insane amounts of fun. I probably played BF4 more than any other war shooter.

Yes to me. I’ll give you 40k for the GT350 I don’t care what color it is.

Woah woah woah. I played BF4 since launch, and it was fucking spectacular. Probably one of my favorite launch games ever

Jesus this shit is a fucking disaster, if I could get all my money back for this piece of shit, I would.

Here is the real secret. Hot fixes are cleared when you turn off the system and if you boot the game and instantly fire it up and log into your character, hot fixes won’t even be applied. If you pause the game and get the “updates are available” you don’t have the hot fixes, and you should still be able to melt stuff

You mention oculus quest here. I’d like to point out this is still smartphone VR, and shitty smartphone VR at that cause the SoC in the quest was two generations behind the newest smartphones when it launched.

Take 5 - it’s like a Snickers Bar with a salty pretzel in it. It’s divine. I only discovered this candy a few years ago and after a lifetime of snickers worship, this has taken the top spot.

Take 5 - it’s like a Snickers Bar with a salty pretzel in it. It’s divine. I only discovered this candy a few years