
Here is the thing, the PS5 and Xbox 4 should actually decrease game file sizes. Right now games are made for the lowest common denominator (consoles) which means a 5400 rpm hard drive. They duplicate a lot of data to make streaming smoother. My rough guess is games are actually 50-70% smaller without data duplicated

If the Last of Us II is a mess.. no, I’ll just assume that it’s gonna be an over hyped piece of shit like every other AAA game recently.

At the very least done with pre-ordering the deluxe versions of these “AAA” big budget titles before release, purely because past experiences have treated me right. These companies are taking advantage of good faith to fuck us over.

I bought them all except ghost recon, hence the pain with current releases that are supposed to be AAA titles.

Just to be clear, I didn’t list the good stuff, capcom is basically sitting as the only developer I trust right now. I am over fighters, but they have kept me going these past few years. Resident evil VII is my favorite game in a decade, and Monster Hunter World I am over 500 hours. Highest of any non MMO I have ever

It really seems like gamings best days are behind us. The past few years have been mostly disappointment.

This is a VR title right? How does that work?

Hey now, I don’t want to buy another PSVR, you shut your damn mouth with that red and gold Ironman shit.

Sorry this is a bit old, I will be trading up to a 2020 GT350 from a regular GT soon. I do intend for it to be my only car, and will be a daily driver.

So is the the part where we demand that everyone involved be fired, doxed, and prevented from making money ever again in any industry ever? Thats the way of things now days right?

The real problem for me at least is charging time. ICE, 45 seconds, electric 30 mins.. sorry on a So Cal > Vegas trip that’s a no go.

And you absolutely could and it would also be fine. I grabbed the new free dlc for BL2 that came with a character buff, played the new content and liked it. I then went back in a played the Tiny Tina dlc.... after 6/7 years I had mostly forgotten it completely, and it was brilliant again. So yeah, you could absolutely

Or don’t, just buy google WiFi like a responsible adult and stop playing with these.

Or don’t, just buy google WiFi like a responsible adult and stop playing with these.

This is quickly starting to sound like the next Anthem or FO76. I loved borderlands, and actually like the second one more the second time I played through it. They have been technically solid titles, though the GOTY version of BL1 has technical issues, but it’s not gearbox so I’ll forgive. Something tell me this is

The real “problem” here for me is I just spent $320 on MP-44 which will be here any day. Forking out another $600 here is absolutely out of the question.

That’s the thing, there are no ethics involved here. Even if you bought a battle pass once, you got what you paid for. You don’t “deserve” anything. The very idea of the rarity is what makes the thing desirable. It’s our lizard brain at work. Let’s say the “most beautiful gear” was green rarity loot and they had some

As a former game developer. Fuck all you entitled little shits complaining about the cost of cosmetics. It’s a free to play game. Until you are actually spending money you are not a customer, your a leech. They tune the cost of these items to keep the doors open based on the number of people that are actually spending

The real problem here is this isn’t a masterpiece caliber figure, it just looks like oversized hollow garbage. I have bought 2 MP-36 variants, and want to get MP-36+. I also have MP-44 on the way, but this just looks like expensive trash.

But I don’t see what you mean by subsidize. They don’t pay the driver more than the ride  costs. They just don’t.

I just honestly don’t understand how these companies lose any money at all. It just seems like one big fucking scam.