Back in March, I spent a very long time watching Trackmania videos, despite it being a game I don’t really play and k…
Stacking stones to create cairns is an activity any Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla player has run into at some point.…
Ann Reardon is also a legit food scientist and has suffered from the assault of terrible food hacks just like you.
Same! Came to post the same thing - she’s great. Here’s here channel for anyone interested.
This is her most recent debunking video:
Poor Dave has to eat all those nasty concoctions
I really enjoy Ann Reardon and her How to Cook That channel on YouTube. Along with her fantastic cooking videos, she does a number of debunking videos that go into details on why many of the recipes on content farms (5-minute hacks, blossom, etc.) are bad and sometimes dangerous. She will even discuss how to make…
He should have waited a few more days to get 1337
“I hate ‘feminist.’ Is this a good time to bring that up?” Joss Whedon asked. He paused knowingly, waiting for the…
Several police departments across the country have opened investigations into cops among their ranks to find out if…
Democracy means sometimes you lose elections. If you don't recognize that, you aren't participating in a Democracy.