Phil Boswell

Is that a USB port in the front? That should be good for a first try…

A quick google reveals this story from 2004 which raises the question of why the story has suddenly sprung to life again…

Where did you read this?

Where did you read this? Definitely {{Citation needed}} here.

Sounds like somebody's qualifications as a "lactation consultant" need serious scrutiny!

So could you do this in a cafetière?

Wait. what? In what possible way is that anything to do with what I posted?

Copy/pasting the same reply to multiple people doesn't make it more correct.

So how come you get to tell everybody else what they can or cannot do?

I still have trouble getting my head around the mindset of somebody who thinks it's safe to harm another person when that person is highly likely to be in a position to kill you: if I have somebody watching my back, I think I'd prefer it to be somebody who would not want me dead. You hear about unpopular officers

Trapping them and moving them elsewhere isn't going to help: they need to sterilise the resident cats and put them back to defend the territory. Otherwise, what you end up with is an endless stream of cats flooding into a desirable area with nobody claiming it.

Please tell me that all the names are being recorded: in the event we ever have a proper revolution with a wall and everything, these guys are pretty much nominating themselves to be put up against it and shot, amirite?

"We also have to make sure that we learn as much as we can about elements of provocation."

I recall visiting my uncle who was stationed in Northwestern Germany with the RAF in the mid-80s, and the "squadron vehicle" was an old-style Mini stripped right down to the basics to reduce weight, and the silencing removed to "improve performance".

If your sister wanted to date somebody you didn't already know, would you demand that they ask your permission first? (If your answer is "yes", then it will come as no surprise to anybody who knows about your possessive attitude if your sister decides she's going to keep all her dating secret from you in the future.)

Not completely sure I'd go for the cheddar cheese crust, but I would be totally willing to try it out ^_^

Well, apparently, you're allowed to wear whatever you like provided the Fashion Police™ approve of it…

Interesting , but I'm fairly sure I can walk way faster than whatever sped they are using.

Nice bit of victim-blaming there, nitwit…

I have an older UK car which has an interesting way of decoding the "check engine" light: you have to delve under the hood to locate what looks like a data socket…and short it out! The next time you start up, the hazard lights will flash a certain number of times (long flashes for tens, short for units, I am not