Petticoat Despot

“And when I got in my truck, you know, I was so proud, because I felt like I finally drew a line in the sand and stood up for what I believed.”

Everything by Tom Wolfe is an example of what you say. John Updike, too.


“I do not believe in America it is right to punish innocent people for someone else’s crime; that is not our system of justice,” she said. “The baby did nothing wrong, the woman did nothing wrong. The man who raped the woman is the one who done [sic] something wrong and should be punished.”

How does she not get that what she's saying IS punishing innocent people? Rape already disrupts someone's life - let's add 18 years of taking care of an unwanted child to that.

if it dropped all the incessant backslapping, quit performing maleness .. In short, if it grew a pair.

I expected it to last longer and be more substantial

Straight cis white men are the most fragile and sensitive demographic, IMO. Any perceived slight has them in fits.

Really, SUCH fragile little drama queens! Any single little achievement that results in white men having less-than-100% of something, *waah*, it’s always the Holocaust all over again!

Hey, here’s a great idea. Let’s round up all the white males, enslave and starve them, then exterminate them en masse with gas chambers and concentration camps.

If Steve is not being externally persecuted, then how do you explain all of the problems that he is having with his job and his inability to find a girlfriend? It isn’t like it is Steve’s fault! There is a concerted conspiracy against Steve and it is everyone who seems different than him that is

Nope, what you described is the demonizing done by the likes of Jenny McCarthy and friends.

I read an AskReddit thread last month asking autistic individuals what they wished people knew about their lives. One of the highest-rated comments was from an autistic person saying that Autism Speaks was a “horrible” organization, and a lot of people on the Spectrum chimed in saying similar things, that the

There are reasons why Autism Speaks is considered a terrible organization by many. In addition to their dalliance with the anti-vax crowd, they are focused on preventing and curing Autism, which does not square with the view that people with Autism think differently, but not necessarily worse. Helping Autistic people

It’s more like “If Hillary were a man with those same qualifications, she’d be predicted to win by a landslide.” The “woman card” has only gotten her sexist bullshit over the years and made it that much more difficult to achieve what she’s achieved. The only advantage the “woman card” gets any of us is the occasional

other cards Hillary has or had:

“If we take care of morality,” David Brumbaugh, a Republican Representative in Oklahoma’s House , said during deliberations, “God will take care of the economy.”

Lawmakers gave up $8 million in federal funding to deprive $380,000 from Planned Parenthood

The framing effect is a big one and is extremely powerful in politics. A lot of times it seems a “movement” of one kind or another really takes off when it is framed properly: