We have seen our fair share of bad takes this election cycle—we’ve seen the personal essay (ie. “Why the Feminist…
We have seen our fair share of bad takes this election cycle—we’ve seen the personal essay (ie. “Why the Feminist…
Nope, what you described is the demonizing done by the likes of Jenny McCarthy and friends.
I read an AskReddit thread last month asking autistic individuals what they wished people knew about their lives. One of the highest-rated comments was from an autistic person saying that Autism Speaks was a “horrible” organization, and a lot of people on the Spectrum chimed in saying similar things, that the…
There are reasons why Autism Speaks is considered a terrible organization by many. In addition to their dalliance with the anti-vax crowd, they are focused on preventing and curing Autism, which does not square with the view that people with Autism think differently, but not necessarily worse. Helping Autistic people…
It’s more like “If Hillary were a man with those same qualifications, she’d be predicted to win by a landslide.” The “woman card” has only gotten her sexist bullshit over the years and made it that much more difficult to achieve what she’s achieved. The only advantage the “woman card” gets any of us is the occasional…
other cards Hillary has or had:
“If we take care of morality,” David Brumbaugh, a Republican Representative in Oklahoma’s House , said during deliberations, “God will take care of the economy.”
Lawmakers gave up $8 million in federal funding to deprive $380,000 from Planned Parenthood
The framing effect is a big one and is extremely powerful in politics. A lot of times it seems a “movement” of one kind or another really takes off when it is framed properly:
“There’s been plenty of times when I felt like quitting YouTube for example.”
“We” don’t laud Polanski and Allen. Not us, not here.
Anyone that obsessed with gay and bi sex- 110% guaranteed. I’ll take the under.
Countdown to his Grindr profile being discovered in 3, 2...
Not a Taylor Swift fan, but I think she’s capable of knowing if someone grabbed her ass or not. As someone who once had a complete stranger put his hands up her skirt, I hope Taylor unleashes the legal fury on this guy that only the very rich can.
We must not talk about this issue with the same people. Almost every time I bring up sexual assault, a man tries to dismiss my concerns by mentioning that men are raped, too. And they never care about male victims, of course. It’s just a go-to rebuttal that attempts to shut women up.
I really liked that, when we talk about rape, men aren’t usually brought into the discussion about victims.
Powerful to be sure. AND ALSO:
Great performance and then she got fucking robbed by the boring-ass Bond theme. WTF?
I get the feeling this gif is going to come in handy a lot.