Petticoat Despot

Tell you what, I would prefer if “The Handmaid’s Tale” would remain fiction, please!

The thought of one of these people becoming president is pure nightmare fuel. It makes me literally jittery and anxious. These people want to turn the US into an evangelical state. They claim to love the Constitution but really they want to burn it and replace it with a bible (save for the second amendment of course).

It blows my mind that anyone can compare the two. A seven year old is not thinking about their body or anyone else’s in a sexual way. BUT HAS ANYONE EVER MET A 14 YEAR OLD BOY??

Not one little bit, in fact

Please don’t misunderstand me, I think people are absolutely entitled to believe whatever the hell they want. However, I take umbrage with people using their very personal spiritual beliefs (that NOT. ALL. PEOPLE. SHARE) to justify a horrific action, excuse a horrific action(Mr. Huckabee!), or use their beliefs as a

Don’t forget recognizing “gay conversion therapy” for the crime that it is.

Superman loves fetuses y’all.

So by that logic I could go to these people’s churches & even though I’m not a pastor start teaching that jesus was actually an anthropomorphic red elephant & that the world is meat loaf shaped & if they told me to leave I could call them “bullies”. Somehow I think they’d be less okay with that. Jeez, these

Amen. And conversely, can we stop with the convenient excuse of “I’m not sexist, I have a daughter/wife/mother”? They’re just using the women in their lives as shields, to give them carte blanche to continue treating all other women like shit.

It SHOULDN’T take a familial relationship to understand how to be a decent person. Unfortunately, it often does. :\

In Sweden we have this movement roughly translated to “No Thanks” where men are encouraged to say no thanks to participating in all male panels! I really like that idea, because it’s not just about encouraging women to say yes to participating - it’s about giving them room in the first place and to opening mens eyes

A woman must have written that. Everyone knows they aren’t good at math.

When will people get it?! There is a very good reason for excluding women: Cooties. We be mad infected with The Cooties.

For reference:

Maybe Mitt Romney could explain it. We need a good laugh.

The furious mansplaining in the comments is pretty damned funny, but I wish people would stop ungraying the assholes.

Difference is Sony Pictures is run by wealthy cis males, not vagina-having, male gamer hating wimmins. Obvs it's a much bigger deal when wealthy cis males get threatened.

But, but, but ..... women are less of a person than a corporation is, so this makes perfect sense. To someone.

I actually would never make an argument that the Amish are a cult because Amish people encourage their children to go out and experience the secular world and all of its temptations during "Rumspringa."