Petticoat Despot

How about we change it just a little more and include health conditions that aren’t immediately life-threatening, which are also technically not banned but are still excluded? There’s a lot of them and I am of the opinion that, for instance, a very small uncleared miscarriage’s “life” is less important than the health

It’s fairly good fan-based propaganda, actually, employing internet harassment techniques combined with far right paranoia-induction techniques. And it results in well-meaning people posting false information, including this article.

Except for the part where this is omits that the undecided superdelegates from the state exist and are undecided, as well as assuming that none of the superdelegates committed to Clinton switch away from Clinton like they did in 2008.

Well, in their defense, women aren’t people and therefore we don’t have a right to life. Fetuses only have a “right to life” because they might turn out male.

Nice straw man. That’s not implied. You inferred it because you hate Jezebel, right?

Yesterday, I saw a young, female Sanders supporter called Clinton a “whore” for taking money for her work, implying that she was unqualified for it despite being one of the most qualified people in the world for it, saying that it didn’t matter that she was being faulted for being paid the same as a man. Then she said

I doubt he likes Adele. That would be admitting that an empowered woman has value. I think he picked Adele for a song because she’s extremely popular.

Oh, well, of course the woman must by lying. I mean, debates are about logic and not rhetoric, their reputation to the contrary.

Yes, let's freak out every time someone uses a non-gender-specific insult because women don't like it when gendered insults are used against us for behaving in ways that are celebrated in men.

You’re not aware of much.

Why you think that we’re idiots. That, specifically, is what I want to know.

I’m not sure why you think that we’re interested in your opinion on this matter. Sticking your fingers in your ears and yelling “NUH UH” may make your little friends pat you on the back but the rest of us aren’t gullible. But thanks for the condescension and implication that women are too stupid to add 1 + 1!

I can’t imagine why someone from such a wonderful family would be so rebellious and desperate for affection.

He is feminist in some ways but when it comes to his policies, women’s issues don’t really show up. That’s why Planned Parenthood and NARAL gave their support to Clinton, stating specific policy issues where he was failing, including that his health plan defunded even medically necessary abortions for

“Clearly, most Bernie supporters are aware of this and are trying to rein in the douchebags.”

He went to lady jail with the suffragettes in the womb!

But the reason that women’s issues aren’t real issues is that fixing class issues will automagically fix gender and race issues. How could you be so clueless that you think that a problem is real if not faced by straight white guys?

That’s what cell phones and tablets are for. Not everything is literally about the site adhering to your work use policy.

“even if misogynistic adults should know better, the so called teenagers can be better helped by approaching with less vitriol.”

Wow! Look at all the straw feminists!