Petticoat Despot

But he dismissed female fans as though we don’t exist. Yes, Star Trek was far more progressive, despite being curbed by the network. That doesn’t mean that I didn’t see Star Wars in the theater 7 times when I was 8 and it would be lovely if people would stop claiming that.

I’ve encountered the idea that it’s a “boys’ thing” from guys who are claiming that I’m not fan because I’m female. They do it to discriminate against me and use exactly the same words that he did. Why am I supposed to be giving him the benefit of the doubt on his motivation rather than give myself the benefit of the

How dare women stand up to discrimination and lies! Appalling!

He should name all of his kids things that start with A.

You mean coercion?

Green stars.

So what you’re saying is that it’s about ethics in games journalism, which aren’t required of you but are still an excuse for your readers to harass women.

The only victim that we have any info on is a woman in a computer lab. He didn’t shoot the men in the computer lab, by the way. A man gave that detail.

Yes, some things were so terrible that mods handled them, which is an affront to their right to say whatever the fuck they want on any site, regardless of the site’s terms of service.

Nice attempt at a derail, but no, she wasn’t shaming men for having feelings. She was shaming assholes for getting their feelings hurt by not getting literally every woman that they want. If your feelings get hurt over that, you deserve to be shamed.

Nice that you compared Jezebel and io9 to the misogynist forums as though they’re similar at all. We don’t hate men here. Assholes, yeah, regardless of gender. 4chan breeds assholes whether you want to accept that or not.

I only saw info about one victim, a woman in a computer lab. He did this in a science building.

Because women “don’t count” and our problems “aren’t actually real.”

He’s very clearly a narcissist, in the clinical sense.

I was fairly astounded at the number of times that the interviewer incredulously ask “how are you going to do that? Do you think you can make people do that?” and Trump responded “Of course because I will make them do it.”

This problem also affects women, who are far more likely to have tight buns or tight braids. Funny how no one gives a shit about the group more likely to encounter this problem and more likely to face consequences for hair loss.

I don’t see why dudes like this guy don’t grasp that someone breaking into your house from the backyard can happen much faster than someone can discover a guy in the backyard, determine his intent, get to the locked gun cabinet, open the locked gun cabinet, retrieve the gun, retrieve ammunition, load the gun, run back

Actually, RAINN cites 18% stranger rape and people pretend that it’s 95%. The real problem is the people pretending that it’s 95%, who also tend to blame the victim. The myth is that stranger rape is the most common form and the only form that people need protection from. The reality is that non-stranger rape is far

Yes, she points that out to make the point that the rule was stupid. Please try to catch up, preferably by reading for comprehension instead of to find something to nitpick to claim idiocy.

She was making fun of both recinding this rule and the existence of the rule in the first place, with a heavy emphasis on the second.