Not to be jingoistic, but Jermaine Jones at number 40 is ridiculous.
Not to be jingoistic, but Jermaine Jones at number 40 is ridiculous.
You don't say! What are the odds? I mean, the original poster asked for a German word to describe his emotion, and there is an actual German word that uniquely captures the very emotion he was trying to convey!!! How crazy is that?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Maybe I'm missing something, but the links of the post did not include the original "polite outreach" that prompted the "DILLIGAF" response. That's what I'm trying to find. Based on his response — in which he wrote about people appearing on TV being "worthy of human kindness, respect, forgiveness," etc — there is a…
Have you seen the original tweets that went out to him? Not arguing with you, I'm legitimately asking. I haven't seen them anywhere, and judging by his initial response he at least claimed to have his feelings hurt by one of them.
Sure it matters. What he said was obviously wrong no matter what prompted it. But I'm more likely to forgive him if he was responding to some asshole saying "Hey Richman, you're a racist bigot who hates fat people, rot in hell," than "actually Adam, did you know that some unsavory types also use that hashtag"?
None of the linked articles include the original comment that led to his "DILLIGAF" response. I'd be curious to see it. Not excusing his responses, but I'd be nice to know whether the initial comment was really a "polite" explanation of why the "thinspiration" hashtag is offensive, or something more obnoxious that…
Man, you're a real fucking douchebag, aren't you, Internet Clarence Darrow? I'm sure you're a highly renowned trial lawyer. Have fun with your landlord tenant disputes.
I would certainly like to litigate against you. You'd file your papers five days too late.
African team =! nation
Here's a crazy newsflash - different countries use different words for different things! Go yell at some Italians for calling the sport "calcio" why don't you.
As other's have noted, it's not a jury trial. Bench trials are far more streamlined. A judge doesn't need to have token evidence from rower #4 to determine whether or not non-revenue athletes receive any benefits, he can gather that from documents, stipulations, or undisputed testimony of witnesses who are also…
It's not the testimony that wasn't heard, it's the clear picture that the "student athletes" are merely voiceless clogs in the NCAA machine.
You are completely missing the fact that their is also a trail in the court of public opinion
Pause the video at 40 seconds. Pretty clear that, in the midst of a bona fide shot attempt, his foot got caught on the defender's leg. If you watch that frame there isn't really grounds for disagreement.
Dive? He brought his left foot back to try to shoot the ball—he wasn't looking for contact. As he swung his foot forward to try to score a goal, the defender's leg clipped his foot, calling him to fall. I don't think the contact was intentional on the defender's part, but that doesn't really matter. In any case,…
Nobody would care if it wasn't a guy who did the same things two times before, great point.
Irony: Suggesting that someone lacks reading comprehension while demonstrating your own lack of reading comprehension.
It's amazing that a team can win as many championships as the Spurs have won, yet have so few haters. It's just impossible to dislike Duncan, Manu, Popovich, et al. And goddamn did that team become fun to watch over the past few years.