Fuzzy Dunlop

While obviously slaves picked cotton, the phrase “cotton-picking mind” doesn’t actually have racial (much less racist) origins, but rather derives from the difficulty of gathering the crop. Is it better to avoid the term since people might misconstrue its

This is horrific. This is outrageous. I’ve never seen anything so disgusting and offensive to everything the sport of tennis is about.

He’s not going to be whitewashed out of history, he just won’t be awarded.
.... It’s like the guy who helped to invent fertilizer, the key ingredient being ammonia; he’s been honored, and received a noble prize for his work.


I couldn’t care less about Greg Schiano, but the revisionist history being spewed that he only had “middling results” at Rutgers is infuriating.

Or he realizes that physically battling her for the chair is a no-win situation. Reverse the roles and the video goes viral for a very different reason.

So you’re saying he’s a method actor?

I vividly remember seeing the chair video. I suppose I may be imagining things, but if we are all imagining it precisely the same way, the more likely explanation is that it actually happened.

As if there aren’t novels, songs, speeches, books and essays about it. As if—all along—what this country has been waiting for is for some white dudes from Hollywood to make it clear to the country that slavery was fucked up by putting it on cable TV. Now they’ll understand.

But “Big Ten basketball” isn’t producing wins against opposing conferences, especially in the postseason, and that’s a huge problem.

For what it’s worth, the rumor on Michigan boards is that he entered into a plea agreement resolving the case, which is why he was allowed back on the team. The plea deal hasn’t been officially entered into the court record yet which is why it’s not referenced in official news articles.

Get if your high horse. The headline misleadingly implied something that was not true about the athlete’s sexual orientation. The OP correctly pointed this out. There is nothing homophobic about saying that a false implication in a headline is “unfair.” You’re desperately looking for bigotry that simply isn’t there.

A long time ago I took my girlfriend to an Indigo Girls concert. Because like 90% of the crowd was female, most mens’ rooms were converted to womens’ rooms for the event. I suppose I could have cried “misandry” and expressed outrage that their effort to better accommodate the crowd as a whole inconvenienced me, but

Now playing

Look at the first flop in this video. Look at this shit.

Over under on how long it takes some right-wing pundit, who doesn’t realize that “Gooner”=“Arsenal fan,” to post an outraged article about a leftist site mocking Barron?

Writing about next year’s college basketball season 8 months in advance is a useless waste of time!

It should be mentioned that, according to the Washington Post, McIntosh is the son of a Republican fundraiser in Dallas who campaigned for Trump during the election.

I should mention here, from the outset, that there is nothing nefarious in these expense reports (apart from the fact that they exist because taxpayers inexplicably underwrite the University of Michigan’s minor-league football team.

“Really good drama” is one way to describe it, but you could also just call it an egregious and gross invasion of privacy. That works just as well and is much more accurate.