You spelled Peyton's name wrong.
You spelled Peyton's name wrong.
You fucking flaming faggot.
The joke was on Kevin Garnett, though, because he was called for a five-second violation before he could complete the insult.
Garnett added "and when I called Tyreke Evans a 'flaming faggot,' I was merely conveying that he was on fire from three-point range, like an ablaze bundle of sticks."
What, no calls for the Deadspin I-Team to investigate?
@FreddySavage: I have no idea what your point is — that it should be OK to call gay guys "fags"? That KG "bitch slapped" a guy by making fun of the appearance of someone suffering from a disease? — but I'm pretty sure I don't like you.
Deleted because my joke was hackneyed and not funny, and also because I didn't realize Villanueva actually has alopecia and now I feel like a dick.
I read those Stieg Larsson books and pictured Blomkvist as Stellan Skarsgard
@FavreFAIL: Many of us move into the "plush" suburbs because it's a hell of a lot cheaper than NYC, San Fran, or [insert whatever city you work in in this space].
@skahammer: Because renting is free? Shelter costs money, owned or rented. People buy because they'd rather be investing in something than throwing their money away, but either way the cost of living fucks you in the ass.
@skahammer: Shit, that's Mrs. Phintastic? I think I saw her at a club making out with James Franco last weekend.
David, you don't like the commercial? Well then, what should he do? Should he just disappear? Should he be who you want him to be? What should he do?
@Donte Stallworth Driving School: Is that the hit that dropped in March 1991?
@Deadp00l: Or that he was listening to Dr. Laura.
@HughJackmanOffForCandy: Double correction. You used to . . . work.
Yeaaah, thanks for the warning about the screamed N-word in the first two seconds. Advance notice of that wouldn't have been helpful at all.
@dont-forget-where-you-came-from-cheese mac: Yeah, the term only really makes sense coming from a younger guy. When you're forty, isn't it really AAFILF ("Age Appropriate Female I'd Like to Fuck")?
@slanket: Ooh, are we casting the movie version with far-better-looking doppelgangers? Here's my vote for AJ. Choices for Sterger, Favre and Peter King are welcome.
@Hatey McLife: Even Mike Vanderjagt thinks that's a good joke.
I'm not sure I completely buy the gambling/fantasy argument. Watching the game doesn't actually have an impact on how your players or team perform, and it's not as if you can't easily monitor that sort of thing by checking in online, or even in real-time via fantasy leagues' stat trackers.