If I remember my trip to the Amsterdam Sex Museum correctly, the record is far more than 10, and orifices that you all forgot to mention include the armpits, crook of the arm, between the calf and hammy on a bent leg, and the nostrils.
If I remember my trip to the Amsterdam Sex Museum correctly, the record is far more than 10, and orifices that you all forgot to mention include the armpits, crook of the arm, between the calf and hammy on a bent leg, and the nostrils.
Considering that the law is clear that animated depictions of sexual conduct involving minors (as opposed to actual pictures) are protected by the First Amendment, I can only conclude that Lionel Hutz was, in fact, this guy's lawyer.
I didn't press. I put up a certain amount of money. If they don't understand what's going on, or if there's no vibe? Let 'em roll. That's how you do it.
@Jefferson Short Bus: The man's name is Farooq Asaad, bigot. Do you still call Muhammad Ali by the name Cassius Clay, too?
I'm sure Polish hackers have already infiltrated my iPod and discovered that Jamiroquai song I like.
unless I've seen their penis, I really don't care.
@David Hume: Wouldn't be the first time that mishandling a Cox situation resulted in people losing their jobs.
@Kid Canada: You're the bachelorette's sister, aren't you, you saucy little mynx.
The thing about wop parties, is dago all night long.
Holy shit, Bill Macatee was married to India Allen? Her lesbian scene in Wild Cactus was a highlight of my puberty.
All the people commenting on how small Favre's penis is are making me feel really bad about myself. Please stop, it's like 7th grade gym all over again.
The poor, poor passenger sitting next to Peter King on the Acela, trying to ignore the fapfapfap sound coming from under the table.
On the bright side, no need to buy the Devon James/Tiger Woods sex tape, as this is pretty much what she saw.
My favorite part is the rocket scientists who believe this was actually her senior thesis.
@ClintonPortishead: Karen F. Owens was so excited to read this article, but then was extremely disappointed when she opened it up and the screencap was so small.
If there's anyone who knows how a sausage gets plump, it's Karen F. Owen.
@I Like Cheap Beer: Thanks. Probably for the best. The "fixed" joke is kind of played out.
Deleted until I figure out how to do a fucking strikethrough
@WhoDoYouKnowHere: +1