
Well, the body/clothing/manners is one thing, but a 60ish man expecting his wife to be home all the time is still weird to me. My parents are in their 60s, and my dad and his friends would never dream of thinking that way. But then again, my parents did not grow up with money - especially my dad, who was working

And my personal observations aren't anecdotes?

And we also need to look at individual ethnic group pairings because a Cambodian-white pairing is probably different from a Japanese-white paring - whether one side is American born/raised,

On the education front, it's purely observation from MY EXPERIENCE. Say the Chans and the Smiths live on the same street, same sized house and very similar salaries and socio-economic status. They both have two kids. The Chans are more likely to pay for their kids' post-secondary education than the Smiths. I hear

If I may ask, what's your family's background? No Asian guy I know who is younger than 70 would even think that way. But the Asian men I know are mostly Hong Konger or Hong Kong-Canadian, so maybe things are just different. Many young Asian guys I know are rather spoiled, but then again, so are the women (parents

The social status/self loathing/want to be white thing is questionable, I think. If someone asked me if I'd rather be poor and white or wealthy and Asian, I'd pick the latter. I don't know if much would change about me if I were white and upper middle class rather than Asian and upper middle class, except maybe have

A lot of Asian women I know (or rather, CHINESE women) are dating or married to not just WHITE men, but JEWISH men, including myself. My husband and I both think it's because culturally, we share the value of education, tend to be fairly well-off, yet lack the kind connections that WASPs might have to Canada (or the

Yeah, but you are inhaling the product while you're painting. That's why nail technicians are more at risk than we are. They do it all day.

The pixie cut is part of the story. Fantine sells long, long and gorgeous hair (is Anne going blonde for this? Anyone know? Almost all Fantines have been blonde on stage, save for the non-white actresses who've played the role), locket and becomes a prostitute before dying.

This year also marks the 75th anniversary of the animated Disney feature, I think.

At the same time, you can't tell her how to feel or what to expect.

God, I wish someone would be able to take pictures of me for my blogs. I've been relying on that 10 second timer for the longest time and only recently got a remote. I'm always jealous of people who have photographer connections, significant others (like or parents or someone to help them. My

Are you sure she feels insulted? Is joining or expecting an offer of membership something that Ms. Rometty wants/expects? #justsayin

I just shrug when I hear the whole Augusta thing. On one hand, I'd probably be hypocritical if I were against this because I'm a member of the Junior League, a former Brownie and then Girl Guide, an alumna initiate of a sorority and an Old Girl of an all girls' school (with the intention of sending any hypothetical

Most Asian kids aren't overweight, but growing up, I was raised predominantly by my old school (ish) grandmother. She told me that it was unlady-like to be too athletic, so she limited what I could do outside. She also didn't think my mom should have kept me in ballet too long because I'd grow up with "really

Bond does not drink beer.

Don's secretaries don't usually get pushed into the background. She's probably going to play a major role later this season or next season.

When I saw it, I thought it was some sort of April Fools joke.

Application for school or for residence? Because it sexual orientation shouldn't matter at all for the former (though it could for the latter).

I always wonder if the same people who have issues with Augusta not admitting women have the same issues about Girl Guides/Girl Scouts not admitting boys or the Junior League not taking men.