
Honestly, I don't get the whole taboo of eating alone. I've done it a few times (mostly during lunch) and I think it's great. I'll snap pictures of food, Four Square, Tweet, all without looking a little weird since I don't have dining companions.

She looks like she isn't wearing anything and is just covered by some white fluffy thing.

Jason's a bit flabbier than the typical leading man, but I wouldn't call him fat.

Why does the first non-white Bachelor have to be black?

I've pretty much shut myself out from reading about these mistress lawsuit stories. I hear about A LOT of them from family members who read gossip rags in Hong Kong. The American ones are no different, except you don't hear about it as much. Personally, I don't think the mistress deserves anything if she's not in

Ummm, Parks and Rec and The Office are shows that take place in, well, a workplace. Shows that aren't about the private lives of people are typically more diverse, because work and school acquaintances are, well, more least in my experience.

Diverse, but not a realistic sort of diversity that resembles the Seattle area, especially in the medical profession. A more realistic cast would have at least one or two other Asian cast members. Just my opinion, of course.

*Agreed* Heck, as I get older, I find that more and more of my closer friends - the "girls" that I hang out with are Canadian born and Asian, with a handful of white girls. But I'm also hanging out with style and beauty bloggers a lot these days.

It's not about what you're paid in these cases, but the kind of image you project by where you're working. That's why a $12/h receptionist job can seem "better" than being the manager at a fast food joint who makes more than $12/h.

Internships are "menial" but to these kids and maybe their families, it's better because they're at an office, while working at McDonald's is not (but like I said, Starbucks and indie cafes are often seen as "better" - at least in my circle).

It's an only child thing based on my experience, and the possibility of the the one shouldn't work while they're in school if they don't have to philosophy (I was only allowed to work in the summer when I was an undergrad and definitely no part time jobs other than babysitting back in high school).

Yeah. My cousin was a little freaked out at the amount of lingerie she got at her bridal shower./bachelorette party. And it wasn't even the naughty stuff.

It's expensive because you have to keep up with the Wongs/Chans/Lees. You need the nanny, the nice car, the International School education, etc, etc...

Hong Kong women aren't truck likely to be drivers and won't date mainland men unless they're super rich, sophisticated and successful? However, I don't think the idea of mainland women going for any man from Hong Kong holds true anymore since there are more successful mainland men than back in, say, the 90s.

HKnese who go to Lan Kwae Fong are mostly those who've had a foreign education - almost semi expats, not local-locals. There are also lots of Chinese westerners there, too.

Hong Kong is culturally very different too. Western culture is much more ingrained in an average Hong Konger than someone from mainland China. And if your family has money, chances are, you've spent some time studying abroad (often while living the kind of "groovy lifestyle" they're talking about in HBO's Girls).

So you think I'd be MORE represented by seeing a poor Asian female I CAN'T relate to than an upper-middle class NON-ASIAN female that I *CAN* see myself as? #sostrange

To avoid crazy paperwork, the ideal situation would be, of course, to have the babies back in the US, but that wouldn't be easy either.

You didn't watch Andy's season (he picked a part Asian girl)?

I'd love to have something custom made for me! I've been tempted to buy stuff from sites like Moi-Meme and April Marin but have never really gone through with it.