
A lot of people watch the Duggars more or less to make fun of them. The Duggars are entertaining because they're just so overly religious and have way too many kids - i.e. not "typical" - even in very religious homes. Do the Duggars KNOW that people poke fun at them? Do they KNOW/REALIZE that many of us find them

No matter what, any non-WASP character can be seen as a stereotype by SOMEONE, I think. A wealthy, preppy Asian female might be a "breath of fresh air" to some, but to someone else, she's a stereotype/caricature of just about every Asian girl who went to their boarding school (especially if said character is

Food is weird. I come from a culture where you're not supposed to turn down food that's offered to you (though these days, you can if you have health issues or are abstaining for religious reasons - I don't eat certain foods because I don't like it, yet I have relatives comment by asking me why I'm not eating (or as

Some of them may have bought them from a discount designer label boutique, flash sale site or eBay and therefore didn't pay full price.

If they have the money, why not? And I hear people complain about $150-350 outfits that bloggers recommend too.

One reason why I can't buy a lot of shoes anymore. I'd topple over in anything higher than 4" yet I hear other fellow petite women go on and on about how they want super-high heels so they could be 5'7" or taller.


I live in Canada! No Nordstrom Rack here (yet).

Because of my foot size (4 1/2 or 5), I tend to pay a lot for shoes unless I'm in Asia. A good price for me is around $150 at full price, especially for heels. I don't think I've paid under $100 for non-sale shoes in a very long time. Thus, I'm very happy with this recent purchase!

No, I'm saying that they either don't realize some things are racist or that they don't care (e.g. Two Wongs can make it White) and therefore, still wear the Abercrombie stuff.

It's interesting about the whole racial issue because I was in Hong Kong over Christmas and Abercrombie wearing young people (okay, mostly guys) were EVERYWHERE (I'm guessing most are students coming home from going to school abroad).

I don't understand what the problem is if parents take away certain food items. I was never allowed to drink pop (soda) unless it was a "special occasion." Drinks we had at home were water, milk and if I wanted juice, it was diluted with water. In fact, I thought that was normal.

This is what happens when schools cut gym class or emphasize on certain types of exercises in gym if it isn't drastically cut. This is also what happens in cultures where there is an unhealthy relationship with food.

More like their body type/for them. You can be 5'6", weight 100 lb and not be considered "unnatural" (my mom was close - on her wedding day, she was around 94lb at 5'5")

At the same time, most very thin actresses are nowhere near as thin as many models based on height/proportion. Actresses tend to be in the 5'3"-5'7" range while models are close to 6'.

Is it the caffeine, the artificial sweetener or the fact that he's Karl that makes him...Karl?

Except we aren't allowed to complain about being "too short" the same way people complain about the lack of plus-sized women friendly fashion. If I had a Plus Sized Ladies at Fashion Week series, media would be all over it. Except I don't and it's petite-focused (including petite plus).

Height *IS* a problem if you're going to correlate proportion. A lot of body image activists are anti-size zero to the point that they want that size off the market. I've asked them whether they mean that clothes should still exist in that size, but renamed, say, size 2 or 4 OR if that size should go, period and

I think different people will define "too thin" differently. Those who are only around larger people would probably call me to thin, but I think I'm normal-skinny. I would probably call typical runway models, "too tall" (or "too tall for their size") instead.