
My guess is school for many. Cram schools are big in Japan and Korea, right? How a kid does in middle school will depend what type of senior high school he/she attends and whether he/she will enter university, I think.

Hair and make-up? Nope. Many schools with uniforms have a strict no make-up policy. Hair longer than collar length has to be tied up. Teenage boys can't have messy facial hair (or no facial hair unless required by religion).

I think historically, there were. For example, cousin marriage was okay, but only on the mom's side or (maybe) if it's the child of an aunt on the father's. Also, cousins who share your last name - i.e. children of a paternal uncle are sort of siblings. My cousins called me ga jei (elder sister, even though I

I think Nothing Can Kill the Grimance is referring to the make-up artist/business woman and founder of Bobbi Brown Cosmetics.

I think so. The only places where I've seen squat toilets were at a few rest stops in Taiwan and some parts of mainland China (mostly parks).

I've seen the ones they have in Asia, but because I was born and raised in Canada, I don't have the ability to squat as well as someone from over there can. Heck, most of the people my age from Hong Kong can't squat.

Seems like Max Azria's namesake line isn't showing at any of the "official" venues again this season. It's not on the sked. Any reason for that? As for the BCBG show this morning: I actually liked it, despite not being a fan of any of the skirt lengths (as per usual). Love the colour though.

If cupcakes are bad, then cake pops must be worse! And macarons!

Like Lunchcoma pretty much said, you don't take communion until your First Communion, which around here, is also Grade 2. Confirmation is Grade 7 or 8 around here.

5'1" and 90 lb is NOT that crazy thin for those who're very small-framed. I follow a lot of petite blogs and a lot of the bloggers are pretty close to that size (I think the typical blogger is around 5' even and 92 lb). My mother was under 100 lb at 5'5" right up until she got pregnant with me. She was, and still

Minnie Driver at 98 way. too. thin. She's 5'9" or something, right? What I don't get about the film industry is that every woman should weigh less than 100, whether you're 5' tall or close to 6'. 5'1 and 90 lb is thin, but not crazy-thin, but 6' Ummm, hell yeah. It's like they need glasses or something,

But at the same time, their standards of "too fat" is way thinner than our standards of "too fat."

The white dress isn't a compromise. My mom had one (Hong Kong Catholics don't marry in a kwa. Like ever.) and I'm 95% sure my maternal grandmother did too. It's just flowers that freaked them out. And I was supposed to know that it did (and I'm sure your parentals were expected to know about the bed and door

I was talking about EXPECTATIONS in the first post. Chinese parents have different expectations if the prospective child-in-law is also of Chinese descent (or more accurately, Chinese with parents of the same or similar culture (e.g.. if they and your parents are from Hong Kong). Also, no, just because you

No idea what "sing" is. All I know is that the term means hollow bamboo and my family use it liberally. It really depends on HOW one uses it. I'm fine with a Jook Sing identity. In fact, I'm proud of it. It's when they say, something like "koi hai jook sing" in a certain tone (i.e. she doesn't understand our ways

You mean parents who think you're not Asian enough? That was always my fear when I went out with Chinese guys. The guys themselves were fine. It was the parents who I worried about ("What do you mean you don't do this?" "Don't you know what that means?"...they're just one step short of calling me a "dumb jook

Notice that waist-to-hip proportions remain similar in the "before" and "after" images.

While I understand where this kid and the family are coming from, I also think that it's important to speak the local language. I have a few family members who came to Canada as kids and after some 20 years, STILL can't speak English properly because they only hang out with people who speak Cantonese. I realize that

What's "white" anyway? Europe is a big place with lots of different historical/indigenous cultures and ethicities. Many of these cultures (e.g. Irish or Italian) were NOT considered white some 150 years ago in America. And yes, their traditional holidays ARE celebrated by various communities across the US.

Yeah, but a lot of times these interns are not in school while on placement. Their internship *IS* school and they go into the office every day, five days a week. In my experience, most PR and media internships are like this. The only exception are ones for high school students (called co-op around here) where they